Project overview

BL-SR528 Beachline Expressway SR-528

The following reports track key metrics of your project as a whole, across all schedule updates.

This table provides a comprehensive view of the project's progress over time by consolidating data from all schedule updates. Each row represents a snapshot of the projec's schedule at a specific date, allowing you to track changes and trends in the projected completion date, contract compliance, and overall timeline performance.

To keep track of Adjusted Contract Compl. Date you must enter Days Added given to contractor in each uploaded schedule update, sometimes called weather days or time extension. You can do it at any time at Projects > [Edit] > Project Overview.

  • A. Schedule name: Identifies the specific schedule update.
  • B. Data date: The date on which the schedule data was recorded.
  • C. Scheduled Compl. Date: The projected completion date pulled from the schedule update.
  • D. Days Added: The number of "weather days" or time extension given to contractor in each schedule update. It must be manually added to the schedule at the time of import.
  • E. Adjusted Contract Compl. Date: The contract completion date adjusted for any time extension, see Days Added.
  • F. "Must Finish By" Date: A scheduling constraint that sets a hard deadline for a project. It's pulled from the schedule update, and is usually manually entered by a person who created or updated the schedule. If no constraint exists for the project, this field remains empty.
  • G. Cal Days Ahead / Behind: The number of calendar days the project is ahead or behind the adjusted contract completion date.
  • H. Periodic Change: The change in days ahead or behind compared to the previous update.
  • I. Total Float: The total float or slack time available in the schedule.

Schedule name
Data Date
Scheduled Compl. Date
Days Added
Adjusted Contract Compl. Date
E = C + D
Must Finish By Date
Cal Days Ahead / Behind
G = E - C
Periodic Change
Total Float
E8P02 Update No. 11 18-Sep-16 12-Aug-18 - - 19-Jun-18 - - -55
E8P02 Update No. 12 16-Oct-16 26-Jul-18 - 12-Aug-18 28-Jul-18 17d 17d 1
E8P02 Update No. 13 13-Nov-16 21-Jul-18 - 12-Aug-18 02-Aug-18 22d 5d 11
E8P02 Update No. 14 18-Dec-16 19-Aug-18 - 12-Aug-18 04-Aug-18 -7d -29d -16
E8P02 Update No. 15 15-Jan-17 17-Aug-18 - 12-Aug-18 10-Aug-18 -5d 2d -8
E8P02 Update No. 16 19-Feb-17 04-Aug-18 - 12-Aug-18 10-Aug-18 8d 13d 5
E8P02 Update No. 17 19-Mar-17 12-Aug-18 - 12-Aug-18 12-Aug-18 - -8d -1
E8P02 Update No. 18 16-Apr-17 23-Aug-18 - 12-Aug-18 12-Aug-18 -11d -11d -12
E8P02 Update No. 19 21-May-17 25-Aug-18 - 12-Aug-18 12-Aug-18 -13d -2d -14
E8P02 Update No. 20 11-Jun-17 05-Sep-18 - 12-Aug-18 20-Aug-18 -24d -11d -17
E8P02 Update No. 21 16-Jul-17 27-Sep-18 - 12-Aug-18 31-Aug-18 -46d -22d -28
E8P02 Update No. 22 20-Aug-17 13-Oct-18 - 12-Aug-18 13-Oct-18 -62d -16d -1
E8P02 Update No. 23 17-Sep-17 31-Oct-18 - 12-Aug-18 01-Oct-18 -80d -18d -31
E8P02 Update No. 24 15-Oct-17 11-Nov-18 - 12-Aug-18 01-Nov-18 -91d -11d -11
E8P02 Update No. 24 15-Oct-17 11-Nov-18 - 12-Aug-18 01-Nov-18 -91d - -11
E8P02 Update No. 26 17-Dec-17 15-Nov-18 - 12-Aug-18 07-Nov-18 -95d -4d -9