Schedule comparison report

BL-SR528 Beachline Expressway SR-528

Baseline: E8P02 Update No. 22

Update: E8P02 Update No. 26

Schedule Comparison

This table represents activities added since E8P02 Update No. 22

Activity ID Activity Description On LP Original Duration
IICR-GC190 PH IIC - Variable Height Barrier Wall - Ramp S-2 Yes 10
IICR-RW330 PH IIC - Complete Widening - Ramp E No 8
IICR-RW340 PH IIC - Complete Widening - Ramp H No 8
IICR-RW350 PH IIC - Complete Widening - Ramp I-1 No 8
IICR-RW360 PH IIC - Complete Widening - Ramp L No 8

The following predecessor relationships were added since E8P02 Update No. 22.


Logic tie related to activities added since previous update

Activity ID Activity Description On LP Lag Relationship Type Predecessor Activity ID
IICR-GC190 PH IIC - Variable Height Barrier Wall - Ramp S-2 Yes 0 FS IICR-GC100
IICR-RW330 PH IIC - Complete Widening - Ramp E No 0 FS IIBR-AP110
IICR-RW340 PH IIC - Complete Widening - Ramp H No 0 FS IIBR-AP140
IICR-RW350 PH IIC - Complete Widening - Ramp I-1 No 0 FS IICR-TC150
IICR-RW360 PH IIC - Complete Widening - Ramp L No 0 FS IICR-TC200
GC-GCN160 PH MS - Start Phase IV Construction Yes 0 FS IIBR-EHM370
GC-GCN170 PH MS - Start Phase IIIB Construction No 0 FS IICR-TC150
IIBEBO-ST140 PH IIB - Wall Bent 1 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) No 0 FS IIBEBO-ST4
IIBEBO-ST190 PH IIB - Wall Bent 3 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) No 0 FS IIBEBO-ST4
IIBEBO-ST720 PH IIB - Curing for End Bent 3 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) No 0 FS IIBEBO-ST160
IIBEBO-W120 PH IIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall (RW-3) - SW Corner @ I-Drive No 0 FS IIBEBO-W100
IIBR-IB180 PH IIB - Install Bores/Boxes/Ped Signals at Ramp R No 0 FS GC-GCN140
IICR-RW110 PH IIC - Base - Ramp S-2 Yes 0 FS IICR-GC190
IICR100 PH IIC - Construct Ramp S-2 Diversion - Ramp S-2 No 0 FS IICR-TC190
IIIBR140 PH IIIB - Construct Ramp Q Diversion/Temp Pavement - Ramp Q No 0 FS GC-GCN140
IIIBWBO-EW130 PH IIIB - Embankment (International - I4) - WB Outside Widening Area No 0 FS IBWBM-TC150
IIIBWBO-ST171 PH IIIB - Demo Traffic Rail - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) No 0 FS IICR-RW330
IIIBWBO-ST410 PH IIIB - Curing for End Bent 3 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) No 0 FS IIIBWBO-ST250
IIIBWBO-ST430 PH IIIB - Wall Bent 4 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) Yes 0 FS IIIBWBO-ST26
IIIBWBO-W110 PH IIIB - MSE Wall RW-1 - WB Outside Widening Area (SR528) No 0 FS IIBEBO-AP110

The following predecessor relationships were deleted since E8P02 Update No. 22.


Logic tie related to activities added since previous update

Activity ID Activity Description Lag Relationship Type Predecessor Activity ID
GC-GCN170 PH MS - Start Phase IIIB Construction 0 FS IIBR-EHM370
GC-GCN190 PH MS - Start Phase IID Construction 0 FS IICR-TC120
IIBEBO-ST140 PH IIB - Wall Bent 1 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) 0 FS IIBEBO-ST2
IIBEBO-ST190 PH IIB - Wall Bent 3 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) 0 FS IIBEBO-ST2
IIBEBO-W120 PH IIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall (RW-3) - SW Corner @ I-Drive 0 FS IIBEBO-W110
IIBR-IB180 PH IIB - Install Bores/Boxes/Ped Signals at Ramp R 0 FS IIBR-AP150
IICR-TC190 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp R-2 0 FS PRE-FA-017
IIIBR-GC320 PH IIIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp P 0 FS IIIBR-RW210
IIIBR-GC340 PH IIIB - Demo - Ramp Q 0 FS IIIBR-RW210
IIIBR140 PH IIIB - Construct Ramp Q Diversion/Temp Pavement - Ramp Q 0 FS GC-GCN170
IIIBWBO-EW130 PH IIIB - Embankment (International - I4) - WB Outside Widening Area 0 FS IIIBWBO-EW120
IIIBWBO-RW120 PH IIIB - Stabilization (International - I4) - WB Outside Widening Area 0 FS IIBEBO-AP110
IIIBWBO-ST280 PH IIIB - Wall Bent 3 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) 0 FS IIIBWBO-ST211
IIIBWBO-ST430 PH IIIB - Wall Bent 4 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 0 FS IIIBWBO-ST370
IIIBWBO-ST440 PH IIIB - Approach Slabs - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD) 0 FS PRE-FA-008
IIIBWBO-ST450 PH IIIB - Concrete Slope Pavement - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD) 0 FS PRE-FA-008

The following predecessor relationships were added since E8P02 Update No. 22.


Logic tie related to a newly added activity

Activity ID Activity Description On LP Lag Relationship Type Predecessor Activity ID Predecessor Activity Description
GC-GCN160 PH MS - Start Phase IV Construction Yes 0 FS IIBR-EHM370 PH IIB - Existing High Mast Removal (28-33)
GC-GCN160 PH MS - Start Phase IV Construction Yes 0 FS IICR-GC180 PH IIC - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp M
GC-GCN160 PH MS - Start Phase IV Construction Yes 0 FS IICR-RW340 PH IIC - Complete Widening - Ramp H
GC-GCN160 PH MS - Start Phase IV Construction Yes 0 FS IICR-RW350 PH IIC - Complete Widening - Ramp I-1
GC-GCN160 PH MS - Start Phase IV Construction Yes 0 FS IICR-RW360 PH IIC - Complete Widening - Ramp L
GC-GCN170 PH MS - Start Phase IIIB Construction No 0 FS IICR-TC150 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp I-1
IIBEBO-ST140 PH IIB - Wall Bent 1 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) No 0 FS IIBEBO-ST4 PH IIB - Production Pile - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR)
IIBEBO-ST140 PH IIB - Wall Bent 1 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) No 0 FS IIBEBO-W120 PH IIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall (RW-3) - SW Corner @ I-Drive
IIBEBO-ST190 PH IIB - Wall Bent 3 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) No 0 FS IIBEBO-ST4 PH IIB - Production Pile - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR)
IIBEBO-ST190 PH IIB - Wall Bent 3 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) No 0 FS IIBEBO-W110 PH IIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall (RW-4A) - SE Corner @ I-Drive
IIBEBO-ST720 PH IIB - Curing for End Bent 3 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) No 0 FS IIBEBO-ST160 PH IIB - End Bent 1 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR)
IIBEBO-W120 PH IIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall (RW-3) - SW Corner @ I-Drive No 0 FS IIBEBO-W100 PH IIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall Work - Demo Portion of Existing Walls - SE and SW Corners @ I-Drive
IIBR-IB180 PH IIB - Install Bores/Boxes/Ped Signals at Ramp R No 0 FS GC-GCN140 PH MS - Start Phase IIB Construction
IICR-GC190 PH IIC - Variable Height Barrier Wall - Ramp S-2 Yes 0 FS IICR-GC100 PH IIC - Demo - Ramp S-2
IICR-RW110 PH IIC - Base - Ramp S-2 Yes 0 FS IICR-GC190 PH IIC - Variable Height Barrier Wall - Ramp S-2
IICR-RW330 PH IIC - Complete Widening - Ramp E No 0 FS IIBR-AP110 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp E
IICR-RW330 PH IIC - Complete Widening - Ramp E No 0 FS IICR-TC120 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp E
IICR-RW340 PH IIC - Complete Widening - Ramp H No 0 FS IIBR-AP140 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp H
IICR-RW340 PH IIC - Complete Widening - Ramp H No 0 FS IICR-TC180 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp H
IICR-RW350 PH IIC - Complete Widening - Ramp I-1 No 0 FS IICR-TC150 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp I-1
IICR-RW360 PH IIC - Complete Widening - Ramp L No 0 FS IICR-TC200 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp L
IICR100 PH IIC - Construct Ramp S-2 Diversion - Ramp S-2 No 0 FS IICR-TC190 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp R-2
IIIBR140 PH IIIB - Construct Ramp Q Diversion/Temp Pavement - Ramp Q No 0 FS GC-GCN140 PH MS - Start Phase IIB Construction
IIIBWBO-EW130 PH IIIB - Embankment (International - I4) - WB Outside Widening Area No 0 FS IBWBM-TC150 PH IB - Construct Diversion at I-Drive - WB Median Widening
IIIBWBO-ST171 PH IIIB - Demo Traffic Rail - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) No 0 FS IICR-RW330 PH IIC - Complete Widening - Ramp E
IIIBWBO-ST410 PH IIIB - Curing for End Bent 3 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) No 0 FS IIIBWBO-ST250 PH IIIB - End Bent 1 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR)
IIIBWBO-ST430 PH IIIB - Wall Bent 4 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) Yes 0 FS IIIBWBO-ST26 PH IIIB - Production Pile (11-30)(Concrete) - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek)
IIIBWBO-W110 PH IIIB - MSE Wall RW-1 - WB Outside Widening Area (SR528) No 0 FS IIBEBO-AP110 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - EB Outside Widening (I-4 to I-Drive)
IIIBWBO-W110 PH IIIB - MSE Wall RW-1 - WB Outside Widening Area (SR528) No 0 FS IICR-RW330 PH IIC - Complete Widening - Ramp E
IIIBWBO-W110 PH IIIB - MSE Wall RW-1 - WB Outside Widening Area (SR528) No 0 FS IICR-TC120 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp E

The following successor relationships were deleted since E8P02 Update No. 22.


Logic tie related to activities added since previous update

Activity ID Activity Description Lag Relationship Type Predecessor Activity ID Predecessor Activity Description
IIBR-EHM370 PH IIB - Existing High Mast Removal (28-33) 0 FS GC-GCN170 PH MS - Start Phase IIIB Construction
IICR-GC180 PH IIC - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp M 0 FS GC-GCN170 PH MS - Start Phase IIIB Construction
IICR-TC120 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp E 0 FS GC-GCN190 PH MS - Start Phase IID Construction
IICR-TC150 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp I-1 0 FS GC-GCN190 PH MS - Start Phase IID Construction
IICR-TC190 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp R-2 0 FS GC-GCN190 PH MS - Start Phase IID Construction
IIBEBO-ST2 PH IIB - Test Pile - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) 0 FS IIBEBO-ST140 PH IIB - Wall Bent 1 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR)
IIBEBO-ST7 PH IIB- Removal of Concrete Forms for Pier 2, (Footer, Column & Pier Cap) - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over Internatio 0 FS IIBEBO-ST140 PH IIB - Wall Bent 1 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR)
IIBEBO-ST2 PH IIB - Test Pile - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) 0 FS IIBEBO-ST190 PH IIB - Wall Bent 3 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR)
IIBEBO-ST140 PH IIB - Wall Bent 1 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) 0 FS IIBEBO-ST190 PH IIB - Wall Bent 3 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR)
IIBEBO-ST160 PH IIB - End Bent 1 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) 0 FS IIBEBO-ST190 PH IIB - Wall Bent 3 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR)
IIBEBO-W110 PH IIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall (RW-4A) - SE Corner @ I-Drive 0 FS IIBEBO-W120 PH IIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall (RW-3) - SW Corner @ I-Drive
IIBR-AP150 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp R-2 0 FS IIBR-IB180 PH IIB - Install Bores/Boxes/Ped Signals at Ramp R
PRE-FA-017 Fabricate and Deliver 646 Aluminum Pedestal Poles 0 FS IICR-TC190 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp R-2
PRE-FA-018 Fabricate and Deliver 650 Traffic Signals 0 FS IICR-TC190 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp R-2
PRE-FA-024 Fabricate and Deliver 633 Communication Cable 0 FS IICR-TC190 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp R-2
PRE-FA-025 Fabricate and Deliver 635 Pull, Splice, & Junction Boxes 0 FS IICR-TC190 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp R-2
PRE-FA-026 Fabricate and Deliver 653 Pedestrian Signals 0 FS IICR-TC190 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp R-2
PRE-FA-027 Fabricate and Deliver 663 Signal Priority and Preemption Systems 0 FS IICR-TC190 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp R-2
PRE-FA-028 Fabricate and Deliver 665 Pedestrian Detector 0 FS IICR-TC190 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp R-2
IIIBR-RW210 PH IIIB - Base - Ramp P 0 FS IIIBR-GC320 PH IIIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp P
IIIBR-RW210 PH IIIB - Base - Ramp P 0 FS IIIBR-GC340 PH IIIB - Demo - Ramp Q
GC-GCN170 PH MS - Start Phase IIIB Construction 0 FS IIIBR140 PH IIIB - Construct Ramp Q Diversion/Temp Pavement - Ramp Q
IIIBR-RW210 PH IIIB - Base - Ramp P 0 FS IIIBR140 PH IIIB - Construct Ramp Q Diversion/Temp Pavement - Ramp Q
IIIBWBO-EW120 PH IIIB - Embankment (Universal - International) - WB Outside Widening Area 0 FS IIIBWBO-EW130 PH IIIB - Embankment (International - I4) - WB Outside Widening Area
IIBEBO-AP110 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - EB Outside Widening (I-4 to I-Drive) 0 FS IIIBWBO-RW120 PH IIIB - Stabilization (International - I4) - WB Outside Widening Area
IIIBWBO-ST211 PH IIIB - Wall Bent 1 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) 0 FS IIIBWBO-ST280 PH IIIB - Wall Bent 3 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR)
IIIBWBO-ST250 PH IIIB - End Bent 1 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) 0 FS IIIBWBO-ST280 PH IIIB - Wall Bent 3 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR)
IIIBWBO-ST370 PH IIIB - Wall Bent 1 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 0 FS IIIBWBO-ST430 PH IIIB - Wall Bent 4 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek)
IIIBWBO-ST400 PH IIIB - End Bent 1 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 0 FS IIIBWBO-ST430 PH IIIB - Wall Bent 4 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek)
PRE-FA-008 Fabricate and Deliver 450 Precast Prestressed Florida I Beam 36" (Structures 750088 & 750215- I-Drive) 0 FS IIIBWBO-ST440 PH IIIB - Approach Slabs - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD)
PRE-FA-009 Fabricate and Deliver 450 Precast Prestressed Florida I Beam 45" (Structures 750089, & 750216- Universal/Orangewood) 0 FS IIIBWBO-ST440 PH IIIB - Approach Slabs - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD)
PRE-FA-010 Fabricate and Deliver 450 Precast Prestressed Beams TY II (Structures 750631-Shingle Creek) 0 FS IIIBWBO-ST440 PH IIIB - Approach Slabs - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD)
PRE-FA-011 Fabricate and Deliver 450 Precast Prestressed Florida I Beam 36" (Structures 750091 & 750218- JYP) 0 FS IIIBWBO-ST440 PH IIIB - Approach Slabs - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD)
PRE-FA-012 Fabricate and Deliver 450 Precast Prestressed Florida I Beam 36" (Structures 750629 Ramp S JYP & 750630 Ramp T JYP) 0 FS IIIBWBO-ST440 PH IIIB - Approach Slabs - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD)
PRE-FA-050 Fabricate and Deliver 400 Concrete Structures (SIP Metal Forms) 0 FS IIIBWBO-ST440 PH IIIB - Approach Slabs - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD)
PRE-FA-008 Fabricate and Deliver 450 Precast Prestressed Florida I Beam 36" (Structures 750088 & 750215- I-Drive) 0 FS IIIBWBO-ST450 PH IIIB - Concrete Slope Pavement - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD)
PRE-FA-009 Fabricate and Deliver 450 Precast Prestressed Florida I Beam 45" (Structures 750089, & 750216- Universal/Orangewood) 0 FS IIIBWBO-ST450 PH IIIB - Concrete Slope Pavement - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD)
PRE-FA-010 Fabricate and Deliver 450 Precast Prestressed Beams TY II (Structures 750631-Shingle Creek) 0 FS IIIBWBO-ST450 PH IIIB - Concrete Slope Pavement - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD)
PRE-FA-011 Fabricate and Deliver 450 Precast Prestressed Florida I Beam 36" (Structures 750091 & 750218- JYP) 0 FS IIIBWBO-ST450 PH IIIB - Concrete Slope Pavement - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD)
PRE-FA-012 Fabricate and Deliver 450 Precast Prestressed Florida I Beam 36" (Structures 750629 Ramp S JYP & 750630 Ramp T JYP) 0 FS IIIBWBO-ST450 PH IIIB - Concrete Slope Pavement - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD)
PRE-FA-050 Fabricate and Deliver 400 Concrete Structures (SIP Metal Forms) 0 FS IIIBWBO-ST450 PH IIIB - Concrete Slope Pavement - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD)
PRE-FA-040 Fabricate and Deliver 264113 Lighting Protection System Product Data and Shop Drawing 0 FF TF-CO-020 Install Lightning Protection

The original durations (OD) of several activities have changed since E8P02 Update No. 22. The following table lists these activities, indicating whether they are critical, and showing their old and new original durations. Changes in original durations can impact project planning and resource allocation. This table should be used to identify and address these changes to ensure accurate scheduling and efficient project execution.

Recommended actions: Review the activities with changed original durations and assess the reasons behind these changes. Ensure that the new durations are realistic and that resources are appropriately allocated. Update the project schedule to reflect these changes and communicate with the project team to maintain alignment.

Activity ID Activity Description On LP Critical Old OD New OD
PRE-FA-027 Fabricate and Deliver 663 Signal Priority and Preemption Systems No No 42 30
IIDEBO-ST320 PH IID - Demo Bridge Deck hand demo - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) Yes Yes 22 10

Successful Tests (no errors, changes, or issues)

  • Activities Deleted
  • Activity Descriptions Changed
  • Activities with Changed Lag Time
  • Activities with Changed Calendars

Schedule Analysis

This table represents the longest path of E8P02 Update No. 26.

Highlighted in red are activities with negative total float.

Activity ID Activity Description Start Date Finish Date Total Float
GC-GCN150 PH MS - Start Phase IIC Construction 18-Dec-17 -7
GC-GCN200 PH MS - Start Phase IIIA Construction 18-Dec-17 -7
IIIBWBO-ST650 PH IIIB - Demo Bridge Deck - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 27-Oct-17 20-Dec-17 -7
IICR-TC170 PH IIC - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - Ramp S-2 13-Dec-17 18-Dec-17 -7
IICR-TC160 PH IIC - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp S-2 16-Dec-17 18-Dec-17 -7
IICR-GC100 PH IIC - Demo - Ramp S-2 18-Dec-17 20-Dec-17 -7
IIIBWBO-ST660 PH IIIB - Remove Beams - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 27-Oct-17 20-Dec-17 -7
IICR-GC190 PH IIC - Variable Height Barrier Wall - Ramp S-2 20-Dec-17 05-Jan-18 -7
IIIBWBO-ST670 PH IIIB - Demo Pile Cap - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 27-Oct-17 21-Dec-17 -7
IIIBWBO-ST680 PH IIIB - Extract Pile - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 01-Nov-17 22-Dec-17 -7
IIIBWBO-ST26 PH IIIB - Production Pile (11-30)(Concrete) - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 29-Nov-17 03-Jan-18 -7
IIIBWBO-ST750 PH IIIB - Gravity Wall @ Shingle Creek - WB Outside Widening (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 03-Jan-18 10-Jan-18 -7
IICR-RW110 PH IIC - Base - Ramp S-2 05-Jan-18 18-Jan-18 -7
IIIBWBO-ST430 PH IIIB - Wall Bent 4 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 10-Jan-18 23-Jan-18 -7
IICR-AP100 PH IIC - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp S-2 18-Jan-18 22-Jan-18 -7
IICR-GC120 PH IIC - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp S-2 22-Jan-18 24-Jan-18 -7
IIIBWBO-ST480 PH IIIB - End Bent 4 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 23-Jan-18 14-Feb-18 -7
IICR-GC110 PH IIC - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp S-2 24-Jan-18 25-Jan-18 -7
GC-GCN190 PH MS - Start Phase IID Construction 25-Jan-18 -7
IIDEBO-ST180 PH IID - Demo Traffic Rails - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 25-Jan-18 31-Jan-18 -7
IIDEBO-ST300 PH IID - Demo Bridge Deck remove slabs - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 31-Jan-18 14-Feb-18 -7
IIDEBO-ST320 PH IID - Demo Bridge Deck hand demo - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 14-Feb-18 28-Feb-18 -7
IIIBWBO-ST520 PH IIIB - Curing for End Bent 4 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 14-Feb-18 21-Feb-18 -9
IIIBWBO-ST560 PH IIIB - Set Beams - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 21-Feb-18 09-Mar-18 -7
IIDEBO-ST190 PH IID - Wall Bent 1 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 28-Feb-18 07-Mar-18 -7
IIDEBO-ST210 PH IID - Wall Bent 5 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 07-Mar-18 14-Mar-18 -7
IIIBWBO-ST610 PH IIIB - Superstructure Deck SIP & Start Rebar - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 09-Mar-18 06-Apr-18 -7
IIDEBO-ST340 PH IID - Curing for End Bent 5 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 14-Mar-18 21-Mar-18 -9
IIDEBO-ST230 PH IID - Set Beams - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 21-Mar-18 26-Mar-18 -7
IIDEBO-ST240 PH IID - Superstructure Deck SIP & Start Rebar - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 26-Mar-18 16-Apr-18 -7
IIIBWBO-ST700 PH IIIB - Superstructure Deck (Finish Rebar\Set Screed\Pour) - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 06-Apr-18 27-Apr-18 -7
IIDEBO-ST330 PH IID - Superstructure Deck Finish Rebar\Set Screed\ Pour - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 16-Apr-18 07-May-18 -7
IIIBWBO-ST120 PH IIIB - Approach Slabs - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 27-Apr-18 14-May-18 -7
IIDEBO-ST250 PH IID - Approach Slabs - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 07-May-18 14-May-18 -7
IIDEBO-ST270 PH IID - Lighting Conduit - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 15-May-18 15-May-18 -7
IIIBWBO-ST130 PH IIIB - Lighting Conduit - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 15-May-18 15-May-18 -7
IIDEBO-ST280 PH IID - Traffic Railing (32") - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 16-May-18 18-May-18 -7
IIIBWBO-ST140 PH IIIB - Traffic Railing (32") - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 16-May-18 18-May-18 -7
IIIBWBO-ST150 PH IIIB - Grind and Groove - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 21-May-18 24-May-18 -7
IIDEBO-ST290 PH IID - Grind and Groove - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 21-May-18 23-May-18 -7
IIDR-TC100 PH IID - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp S-1 24-May-18 24-May-18 -7
GC-GCN160 PH MS - Start Phase IV Construction 25-May-18 -7
IVEBM-TC100 PH IV - Set Temp Traffic Barriers - EB Median Widening 25-May-18 31-May-18 -7
IVEBM-GC100 PH IV - Demo Temporary - EB Median Widening 01-Jun-18 07-Jun-18 -7
IVEBM-W140 PH IV - Median Wall - Grading for Station 1 (I4 to International Drive) 08-Jun-18 11-Jun-18 -7
IVEBM-W150 PH IV - Median Wall - FFP Footing/Stem for Station 1 (I4 to International Drive) 12-Jun-18 25-Jun-18 -7
IVEBM-W160 PH IV - Median Wall - Construct/ slip Top for Station 1 (I4 to International Drive) 26-Jun-18 02-Jul-18 -7
IVEBM-W170 PH IV - Median Wall - Grading for Station 2 (International Drive to Universal) 03-Jul-18 11-Jul-18 -7
IVEBM-W180 PH IV - Median Wall - FFP Footing/Stem for Station 2 (International Drive to Universal) 12-Jul-18 01-Aug-18 -7
IVEBM-W190 PH IV - Median Wall - Construct/ slip Top for Station 2 (International Drive to Universal) 02-Aug-18 08-Aug-18 -7
IVEBM-W200 PH IV - Median Wall - Grading for Station 3 (Universal to JYP) 09-Aug-18 22-Aug-18 -7
IVEBM-W210 PH IV - Median Wall - FFP Footing/Stem for Station 3 (Universal to JYP) 23-Aug-18 06-Sep-18 -7
IVEBM-W220 PH IV - Median Wall - Construct/ slip Top for Station 3 (Universal to JYP) 07-Sep-18 14-Sep-18 -7
IVWBM-RW130 PH IV - Grade for Station 3 (Universal to JYP) (B) 17-Sep-18 21-Sep-18 -7
IVWBM-RW140 PH IV - Stabilization for Station 3 (Universal to JYP) (A) 24-Sep-18 27-Sep-18 -7
IVWBM-RW150 PH IV - Base for Station 3 (Universal to JYP) (B) 28-Sep-18 10-Oct-18 -7
IVWBM-AP100 PH IV - Asphalt - Structural - WB Median Widening 11-Oct-18 16-Oct-18 -7
GC-GCN210 PH MS - Punch List/Acceptance 17-Oct-18 15-Nov-18 -9
GC-DP110 PH MS - Project Completion 15-Nov-18 -9

This table compares the longest paths from both updates.

Highlighted in green are activities newly added to the longest path.
Highlighted in red are activities that fell off the longest path - meaning they were once critical but are no longer directly impacting the overall project timeline.

Activity ID Activity Description Start Date Finish Date Total Float
IICR-SP130 PH IIC - Remove Ramp O Diversion - Construct EB Roadway Tie-In 18-Jul-17 22-Aug-17 -1
IBEBM-TC220 PH IIIA - Construct Diversion at Shingle Creek - WB Median Widening 22-Aug-17 13-Sep-17 -1
IIIAR120 PH IIIA - Construct Ramp Diversion P - Ramp P (Tie-in to SC Diversion) 13-Sep-17 20-Sep-17 -1
IIIBWBO-ST190 PH IIIB - Demo Traffic Rails - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 20-Sep-17 28-Sep-17 -1
IIIBWBO-ST370 PH IIIB - Wall Bent 1 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 01-Nov-17 14-Nov-17 -1
IIIBWBO-ST400 PH IIIB - End Bent 1 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 14-Nov-17 07-Dec-17 -1
GC-GCN200 PH MS - Start Phase IIIA Construction 18-Dec-17 -7
GC-GCN150 PH MS - Start Phase IIC Construction 18-Dec-17 -7
IICR-TC170 PH IIC - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - Ramp S-2 13-Dec-17 18-Dec-17 -7
IIIBWBO-ST650 PH IIIB - Demo Bridge Deck - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 27-Oct-17 20-Dec-17 -7
IICR-TC160 PH IIC - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp S-2 16-Dec-17 18-Dec-17 -7
IICR-GC100 PH IIC - Demo - Ramp S-2 18-Dec-17 20-Dec-17 -7
IIIBWBO-ST660 PH IIIB - Remove Beams - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 27-Oct-17 20-Dec-17 -7
IICR-GC190 PH IIC - Variable Height Barrier Wall - Ramp S-2 20-Dec-17 05-Jan-18 -7
IIIBWBO-ST670 PH IIIB - Demo Pile Cap - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 27-Oct-17 21-Dec-17 -7
IIIBWBO-ST680 PH IIIB - Extract Pile - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 01-Nov-17 22-Dec-17 -7
IIIBWBO-ST26 PH IIIB - Production Pile (11-30)(Concrete) - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 29-Nov-17 03-Jan-18 -7
IIIBWBO-ST750 PH IIIB - Gravity Wall @ Shingle Creek - WB Outside Widening (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 03-Jan-18 10-Jan-18 -7
IICR-RW110 PH IIC - Base - Ramp S-2 05-Jan-18 18-Jan-18 -7
IIIBWBO-ST430 PH IIIB - Wall Bent 4 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 10-Jan-18 23-Jan-18 -7
IICR-AP100 PH IIC - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp S-2 18-Jan-18 22-Jan-18 -7
IICR-GC120 PH IIC - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp S-2 22-Jan-18 24-Jan-18 -7
IIIBWBO-ST480 PH IIIB - End Bent 4 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 23-Jan-18 14-Feb-18 -7
IICR-GC110 PH IIC - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp S-2 24-Jan-18 25-Jan-18 -7
GC-GCN190 PH MS - Start Phase IID Construction 25-Jan-18 -7
IIDEBO-ST180 PH IID - Demo Traffic Rails - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 25-Jan-18 31-Jan-18 -7
IIDEBO-ST300 PH IID - Demo Bridge Deck remove slabs - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 31-Jan-18 14-Feb-18 -7
IIDEBO-ST320 PH IID - Demo Bridge Deck hand demo - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 14-Feb-18 28-Feb-18 -7
IIIBWBO-ST520 PH IIIB - Curing for End Bent 4 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 14-Feb-18 21-Feb-18 -9
IIIBWBO-ST560 PH IIIB - Set Beams - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 21-Feb-18 09-Mar-18 -7
IIDEBO-ST190 PH IID - Wall Bent 1 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 28-Feb-18 07-Mar-18 -7
IIDEBO-ST210 PH IID - Wall Bent 5 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 07-Mar-18 14-Mar-18 -7
IIIBWBO-ST610 PH IIIB - Superstructure Deck SIP & Start Rebar - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 09-Mar-18 06-Apr-18 -7
IIDEBO-ST340 PH IID - Curing for End Bent 5 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 14-Mar-18 21-Mar-18 -9
IIDEBO-ST230 PH IID - Set Beams - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 21-Mar-18 26-Mar-18 -7
IIDEBO-ST240 PH IID - Superstructure Deck SIP & Start Rebar - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 26-Mar-18 16-Apr-18 -7
IIIBWBO-ST700 PH IIIB - Superstructure Deck (Finish Rebar\Set Screed\Pour) - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 06-Apr-18 27-Apr-18 -7
IIDEBO-ST330 PH IID - Superstructure Deck Finish Rebar\Set Screed\ Pour - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 16-Apr-18 07-May-18 -7
IIIBWBO-ST120 PH IIIB - Approach Slabs - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 27-Apr-18 14-May-18 -7
IIDEBO-ST250 PH IID - Approach Slabs - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 07-May-18 14-May-18 -7
IIDEBO-ST270 PH IID - Lighting Conduit - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 15-May-18 15-May-18 -7
IIIBWBO-ST130 PH IIIB - Lighting Conduit - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 15-May-18 15-May-18 -7
IIDEBO-ST280 PH IID - Traffic Railing (32") - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 16-May-18 18-May-18 -7
IIIBWBO-ST140 PH IIIB - Traffic Railing (32") - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 16-May-18 18-May-18 -7
IIIBWBO-ST150 PH IIIB - Grind and Groove - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 21-May-18 24-May-18 -7
IIDEBO-ST290 PH IID - Grind and Groove - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 21-May-18 23-May-18 -7
IIDR-TC100 PH IID - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp S-1 24-May-18 24-May-18 -7
GC-GCN160 PH MS - Start Phase IV Construction 25-May-18 -7
IVEBM-TC100 PH IV - Set Temp Traffic Barriers - EB Median Widening 25-May-18 31-May-18 -7
IVEBM-GC100 PH IV - Demo Temporary - EB Median Widening 01-Jun-18 07-Jun-18 -7
IVEBM-W140 PH IV - Median Wall - Grading for Station 1 (I4 to International Drive) 08-Jun-18 11-Jun-18 -7
IVEBM-W150 PH IV - Median Wall - FFP Footing/Stem for Station 1 (I4 to International Drive) 12-Jun-18 25-Jun-18 -7
IVEBM-W160 PH IV - Median Wall - Construct/ slip Top for Station 1 (I4 to International Drive) 26-Jun-18 02-Jul-18 -7
IVEBM-W170 PH IV - Median Wall - Grading for Station 2 (International Drive to Universal) 03-Jul-18 11-Jul-18 -7
IVEBM-W180 PH IV - Median Wall - FFP Footing/Stem for Station 2 (International Drive to Universal) 12-Jul-18 01-Aug-18 -7
IVEBM-W190 PH IV - Median Wall - Construct/ slip Top for Station 2 (International Drive to Universal) 02-Aug-18 08-Aug-18 -7
IVEBM-W200 PH IV - Median Wall - Grading for Station 3 (Universal to JYP) 09-Aug-18 22-Aug-18 -7
IVEBM-W210 PH IV - Median Wall - FFP Footing/Stem for Station 3 (Universal to JYP) 23-Aug-18 06-Sep-18 -7
IVEBM-W220 PH IV - Median Wall - Construct/ slip Top for Station 3 (Universal to JYP) 07-Sep-18 14-Sep-18 -7
IVWBM-RW130 PH IV - Grade for Station 3 (Universal to JYP) (B) 17-Sep-18 21-Sep-18 -7
IVWBM-RW140 PH IV - Stabilization for Station 3 (Universal to JYP) (A) 24-Sep-18 27-Sep-18 -7
IVWBM-RW150 PH IV - Base for Station 3 (Universal to JYP) (B) 28-Sep-18 10-Oct-18 -7
IVWBM-AP100 PH IV - Asphalt - Structural - WB Median Widening 11-Oct-18 16-Oct-18 -7
GC-GCN210 PH MS - Punch List/Acceptance 17-Oct-18 15-Nov-18 -9
GC-DP110 PH MS - Project Completion 15-Nov-18 -9

This table lists critical activities in E8P02 Update No. 26

Activity ID Activity Description Total Float
GC-DP110 PH MS - Project Completion -9
GC-GCN150 PH MS - Start Phase IIC Construction -7
GC-GCN160 PH MS - Start Phase IV Construction -7
GC-GCN190 PH MS - Start Phase IID Construction -7
GC-GCN200 PH MS - Start Phase IIIA Construction -7
GC-GCN210 PH MS - Punch List/Acceptance -9
IICR-AP100 PH IIC - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp S-2 -7
IICR-EW100 PH IIC - Embankment - Ramp S-2 -3
IICR-GC100 PH IIC - Demo - Ramp S-2 -7
IICR-GC110 PH IIC - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp S-2 -7
IICR-GC120 PH IIC - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp S-2 -7
IICR-GC190 PH IIC - Variable Height Barrier Wall - Ramp S-2 -7
IICR-RW100 PH IIC - Stabilization - Ramp S-2 -3
IICR-RW110 PH IIC - Base - Ramp S-2 -7
IICR-SP100 PH IIC - Drainage - Ramp S-2 -3
IICR-TC160 PH IIC - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp S-2 -7
IICR-TC170 PH IIC - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - Ramp S-2 -7
IIDR-TC100 PH IID - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp S-1 -7
IVEBM-W140 PH IV - Median Wall - Grading for Station 1 (I4 to International Drive) -7
IVEBM-W150 PH IV - Median Wall - FFP Footing/Stem for Station 1 (I4 to International Drive) -7
IVEBM-W160 PH IV - Median Wall - Construct/ slip Top for Station 1 (I4 to International Drive) -7
IVEBM-W170 PH IV - Median Wall - Grading for Station 2 (International Drive to Universal) -7
IVEBM-W180 PH IV - Median Wall - FFP Footing/Stem for Station 2 (International Drive to Universal) -7
IVEBM-W190 PH IV - Median Wall - Construct/ slip Top for Station 2 (International Drive to Universal) -7
IVEBM-W200 PH IV - Median Wall - Grading for Station 3 (Universal to JYP) -7
IVEBM-W210 PH IV - Median Wall - FFP Footing/Stem for Station 3 (Universal to JYP) -7
IVEBM-W220 PH IV - Median Wall - Construct/ slip Top for Station 3 (Universal to JYP) -7
IIBEBO-W100 PH IIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall Work - Demo Portion of Existing Walls - SE and SW Corners @ I-Drive -5
IIBEBO-W110 PH IIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall (RW-4A) - SE Corner @ I-Drive -5
IIBEBO-W120 PH IIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall (RW-3) - SW Corner @ I-Drive -5
IIIBWBO-ST2 PH IIIB - Test Pile - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) -3
IIIBWBO-ST4 PH IIIB - Production Pile - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) -3
IVEBM-AP100 PH IV - Asphalt - Structural - EB Median Widening -6
IVEBM-GC100 PH IV - Demo Temporary - EB Median Widening -7
IVEBM-TC100 PH IV - Set Temp Traffic Barriers - EB Median Widening -7
IVWBM-AP100 PH IV - Asphalt - Structural - WB Median Widening -7
IVWBM-RW130 PH IV - Grade for Station 3 (Universal to JYP) (B) -7
IVWBM-RW140 PH IV - Stabilization for Station 3 (Universal to JYP) (A) -7
IVWBM-RW150 PH IV - Base for Station 3 (Universal to JYP) (B) -7
IVWBM-RW260 PH IV - Grade for Station 3 (Universal to JYP) (A) -6
IVWBM-RW270 PH IV - Stabilization for Station 3 (Universal to JYP) (A) -6
IVWBM-RW280 PH IV - Base for Station 3 (Universal to JYP) -6
IVWBM-TC100 PH IV - Set Temp Traffic Barriers - WB Median Widening -2
IIBEBO-ST250 PH IIB - Set Beams - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International Drive) -5
IIBEBO-ST270 PH IIB - Superstructure Deck - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International Drive) -5
IIBEBO-ST330 PH IIB - Approach Slabs - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) -5
IIBEBO-ST370 PH IIB - Lighting Conduit - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) -5
IIBEBO-ST380 PH IIB - Traffic Railing (32") - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) -5
IIBEBO-ST390 PH IIB - Grind and Groove - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) -5
IIBEBO-ST720 PH IIB - Curing for End Bent 3 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) -8
IIDEBO-ST180 PH IID - Demo Traffic Rails - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) -7
IIDEBO-ST190 PH IID - Wall Bent 1 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) -7
IIDEBO-ST210 PH IID - Wall Bent 5 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) -7
IIDEBO-ST230 PH IID - Set Beams - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) -7
IIDEBO-ST240 PH IID - Superstructure Deck SIP & Start Rebar - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) -7
IIDEBO-ST250 PH IID - Approach Slabs - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) -7
IIDEBO-ST260 PH IID - Concrete Slope Pavement - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) -5
IIDEBO-ST270 PH IID - Lighting Conduit - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) -7
IIDEBO-ST280 PH IID - Traffic Railing (32") - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) -7
IIDEBO-ST290 PH IID - Grind and Groove - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) -7
IIDEBO-ST300 PH IID - Demo Bridge Deck remove slabs - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) -7
IIDEBO-ST320 PH IID - Demo Bridge Deck hand demo - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) -7
IIDEBO-ST330 PH IID - Superstructure Deck Finish Rebar\Set Screed\ Pour - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) -7
IIDEBO-ST340 PH IID - Curing for End Bent 5 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) -9
IIIBWBO-ST26 PH IIIB - Production Pile (11-30)(Concrete) - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) -7
IIIBWBO-ST120 PH IIIB - Approach Slabs - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) -7
IIIBWBO-ST130 PH IIIB - Lighting Conduit - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) -7
IIIBWBO-ST140 PH IIIB - Traffic Railing (32") - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) -7
IIIBWBO-ST150 PH IIIB - Grind and Groove - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) -7
IIIBWBO-ST211 PH IIIB - Wall Bent 1 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) -5
IIIBWBO-ST250 PH IIIB - End Bent 1 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) -5
IIIBWBO-ST280 PH IIIB - Wall Bent 3 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) 0
IIIBWBO-ST310 PH IIIB - End Bent 3 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) 0
IIIBWBO-ST380 PH IIIB - Set Beams - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International Drive) -5
IIIBWBO-ST390 PH IIIB - Superstructure Deck SIP & Start Rebar - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International Drive) -5
IIIBWBO-ST410 PH IIIB - Curing for End Bent 3 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) -7
IIIBWBO-ST430 PH IIIB - Wall Bent 4 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) -7
IIIBWBO-ST480 PH IIIB - End Bent 4 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) -7
IIIBWBO-ST490 PH IIIB - Approach Slabs - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) -5
IIIBWBO-ST500 PH IIIB - Concrete Slope Pavement - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) -1
IIIBWBO-ST520 PH IIIB - Curing for End Bent 4 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) -9
IIIBWBO-ST530 PH IIIB - Lighting Conduit - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) -5
IIIBWBO-ST540 PH IIIB - Traffic Railing (32") - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) -5
IIIBWBO-ST550 PH IIIB - Grind and Groove - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) -5
IIIBWBO-ST560 PH IIIB - Set Beams - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) -7
IIIBWBO-ST610 PH IIIB - Superstructure Deck SIP & Start Rebar - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) -7
IIIBWBO-ST631 PH IIIB - Demo Bridge Deck - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) -5
IIIBWBO-ST650 PH IIIB - Demo Bridge Deck - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) -7
IIIBWBO-ST660 PH IIIB - Remove Beams - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) -7
IIIBWBO-ST670 PH IIIB - Demo Pile Cap - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) -7
IIIBWBO-ST680 PH IIIB - Extract Pile - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) -7
IIIBWBO-ST690 PH IIIB - Superstructure Deck Finish Rebar\Set Screed\Pour - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International Drive) -5
IIIBWBO-ST700 PH IIIB - Superstructure Deck (Finish Rebar\Set Screed\Pour) - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) -7
IIIBWBO-ST750 PH IIIB - Gravity Wall @ Shingle Creek - WB Outside Widening (Bridge over Shingle Creek) -7

The following actual start dates were added in E8P02 Update No. 26

Activity ID Activity Description On LP Actual Start
IIIBR-TC210 PH IIIB - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp K No 01-May-17
IIDEBO-ST200 PH IID - End Bent 1 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) Yes 08-May-17
IIDEBO-ST220 PH IID - End Bent 5 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) Yes 09-May-17
IIBEBO-SP130 PH IIB - Gutter Drainage - STA 228 - 248 (EB Outside) No 26-May-17
TF-CO-015 Install HVAC No 27-Jun-17
TF-CO-010 FRP Conc. Pad (Generator) No 14-Aug-17
TF-CO-022 Construct Sidewalk No 14-Aug-17
IIIBWBO-TC110 PH IIIB - Set Temp Traffic Barriers - WB Outside Widening Area No 16-Aug-17
IIIBWBO-TC120 PH IIIB - Temp Striping for Phase - WB Outside Widening Area No 16-Aug-17
IIBEBO-ST570 PH IIB - Superstructure Deck Pour - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over Universal BLVD) No 21-Aug-17
IIBR-AP170 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp L No 21-Aug-17
IIIBWBO-ST171 PH IIIB - Demo Traffic Rail - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) No 21-Aug-17
IIIBR-ET40 PH IIIB - Erect Trusses (1-8) No 21-Aug-17
IIBEBO-W110 PH IIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall (RW-4A) - SE Corner @ I-Drive No 21-Aug-17
IIBR-RW220 PH IIB - Base - Ramp R-2 No 22-Aug-17
IICR-TC200 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp L No 23-Aug-17
IIIBWBO-ST631 PH IIIB - Demo Bridge Deck - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) No 23-Aug-17
IBEBM-TC220 PH IIIA - Construct Diversion at Shingle Creek - WB Median Widening No 23-Aug-17
IIIBWBO-ST100 PH IIIB - Superstructure Deck Finish Rebar\Set Screed\Pour - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Universal BLVD) No 23-Aug-17
IIBEBO-ST530 PH IIB - Approach Slabs - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 24-Aug-17
IICR120 PH IIC - Construct Ramp M Diversion - Ramp M No 28-Aug-17
IIIBR110 PH IIIB - Construct Ramp J Diversion/Temp Pavement - Ramp J No 28-Aug-17
IICR-EW120 PH IIC - Embankment - Ramp M No 28-Aug-17
IIIBWBO-GC100 PH IIIB - MISC. Demo - WB Outside Widening Area No 29-Aug-17
IIICR110 PH IIIC - Construct Ramp N Diversion - Ramp N No 29-Aug-17
IIBR-AP150 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp R-2 No 01-Sep-17
IIIBR-SP120 PH IIIB - Drainage (Temp) - Ramp V No 17-Sep-17
IIIBR-SP130 PH IIIB - Drainage (Temp) - Ramp K No 17-Sep-17
IIIBR-TC160 PH IIIB - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - Ramp J No 17-Sep-17
IIIBR-TC200 PH IIIB - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - Ramp K No 17-Sep-17
IIBR-EW150 PH IIB - Embankment - Ramp I-1 No 18-Sep-17
IIBR-GC140 PH IIB - Demo - Ramp I-1 No 18-Sep-17
IIIAWBO-ST600 PH IIIA - Traffic Railing (32") - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge 750630 Ramp T over JYP) No 23-Sep-17
IIIBWBO-RW110 PH IIIB - Stabilization (Universal - International) - WB Outside Widening Area No 25-Sep-17
PRE-FA-027 Fabricate and Deliver 663 Signal Priority and Preemption Systems No 29-Sep-17
IIBEBO-ST560 PH IIB - Traffic Railing (32") - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 30-Sep-17
IIIBR-RW140 PH IIIB - Stabilization - Ramp V No 02-Oct-17
IIIBWBO-ST440 PH IIIB - Approach Slabs - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 03-Oct-17
IIBR-RW190 PH IIB - Base - Ramp H No 03-Oct-17
IIIAWBO-TC130 PH IIIA - Set Temp Traffic Barriers - WB Outside Widening Area Yes 04-Oct-17
IIIBR-RW150 PH IIIB - Base - Ramp V No 04-Oct-17
IIBR-EC10 PH IIB - Erect Cantilevers (1-3) No 05-Oct-17
IIIBR-EW130 PH IIIB - Embankment - Ramp K No 05-Oct-17
IIBR-EW140 PH IIB - Embankment - Ramp C No 09-Oct-17
IIBR-TC270 PH IIB - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp C No 10-Oct-17
IIIAWBO-AP100 PH IIIA - Mill & Resurface (sacrificial) - WB Outside Widening Area (SR528) Yes 11-Oct-17
IIIAWBO-TC100 PH IIIA - Install Sign & Traffic Control Devices - WB Outside Widening Area Yes 11-Oct-17
IIIAWBO-TC110 PH IIIA - Temp Striping for Phase - WB Outside Widening Area (SR528) Yes 11-Oct-17
IIIAWBO-TC120 PH IIIA - MOT Shift for Phase - WB Outside Widening Area Yes 11-Oct-17
IIIBWBO-RW150 PH IIIB - Base (Universal - International) - WB Outside Widening Area No 11-Oct-17
IIBR-AP110 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp E No 11-Oct-17
IIBEBO-W120 PH IIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall (RW-3) - SW Corner @ I-Drive No 11-Oct-17
IIBR-GC170 PH IIB - Demo - Ramp C No 12-Oct-17
IIIBWBO-ST460 PH IIIB - Lighting Conduit - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 12-Oct-17
IICR-TC150 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp I-1 No 12-Oct-17
IIIAR120 PH IIIA - Construct Ramp Diversion P - Ramp P (Tie-in to SC Diversion) No 12-Oct-17
IIBR-RW290 PH IIB - Shoulder Gutter - Ramp C No 15-Oct-17
IIBR-SM420 PH IIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (International to Univ.) (14 EA) No 16-Oct-17
IIBR-SM430 PH IIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (International to Univ.) (7 EA) No 16-Oct-17
IIIBR-ITS90 PH IIIB - Install ITS Cabinets/Hardware No 16-Oct-17
IIICWBO-ST100 PH IIIA - Demo Bridge - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) No 16-Oct-17
IIBR-SM490 PH IIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (JYP to TPK) (20 EA) (C) No 16-Oct-17
IIIBR-RW160 PH IIIB - Stabilization - Ramp K No 18-Oct-17
IIIAWBO-ST24 PH IIIA - Construct Crane Access - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) No 20-Oct-17
IIIBWBO-ST470 PH IIIB - Traffic Railing (32") - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 20-Oct-17
IIIBWBO-ST190 PH IIIB - Demo Traffic Rails - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) Yes 23-Oct-17
IIIBR-AP120 PH IIIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp V No 23-Oct-17
IIIBR-RW180 PH IIIB - Stabilization - Ramp T No 23-Oct-17
IICR-TC210 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp U No 24-Oct-17
IIICWBO-ST220 PH IIIA - Demo Bridge Deck - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) No 25-Oct-17
IIIBWBO-ST650 PH IIIB - Demo Bridge Deck - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) Yes 27-Oct-17
IIIBWBO-ST660 PH IIIB - Remove Beams - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) Yes 27-Oct-17
IIIBWBO-ST670 PH IIIB - Demo Pile Cap - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) Yes 27-Oct-17
IIBR-AP140 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp H No 29-Oct-17
IIIBR-RW120 PH IIIB - Stabilization - Ramp J No 30-Oct-17
IIIBR-RW190 PH IIIB - Base - Ramp T No 30-Oct-17
IIIBR-RW170 PH IIIB - Base - Ramp K No 31-Oct-17
IIBEBO-ST580 PH IIB - Grind and Groove - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 01-Nov-17
IIIAWBO-ST620 PH IIIA - Grind and Groove - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge 750630 Ramp T over JYP) No 01-Nov-17
IIIBWBO-ST680 PH IIIB - Extract Pile - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) Yes 01-Nov-17
IIIBWBO-ST510 PH IIIB - Grind and Groove - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 02-Nov-17
IIIBR-RW130 PH IIIB - Base - Ramp J No 02-Nov-17
IIBR-ITS60 PH IIB - Install ITS Poles (21-41) No 06-Nov-17
IIBR-SP150 PH IIB - Drainage - Ramp C No 06-Nov-17
IIIBWBO-RW100 PH IIIB - Stabilization (JYP-Universal) - WB Outside Widening Area No 06-Nov-17
IIBR-IB180 PH IIB - Install Bores/Boxes/Ped Signals at Ramp R No 07-Nov-17
IIBR-RW140 PH IIB - Stabilization - Ramp C No 08-Nov-17
IIIBWBO-RW120 PH IIIB - Stabilization (International - I4) - WB Outside Widening Area No 09-Nov-17
IIBR-GC390 PH IIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp R-2 No 12-Nov-17
TF-CO-014 Pull Wire & Install Light Fixtures No 12-Nov-17
TF-CO-018 Install Lighting No 12-Nov-17
TF-CO-019 Install Security System No 12-Nov-17
TF-CO-020 Install Lightning Protection No 12-Nov-17
TF-CO-024 Wall Treatments (Ply) No 12-Nov-17
IIIC-AP170 PH IIIC - Construct Ped. Signalization at Ramps G&F No 12-Nov-17
IIBR-ITS70 PH IIB - Install CCTV's (1-8) No 13-Nov-17
IIIBWBO-W101 PH IIIB - Gravity Wall - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Universal BLVD) No 13-Nov-17
IIIBR-ITS1000 PH IIIB - Install Conduit/Boxes (I-4 to International) No 13-Nov-17
IIIBWBO-EW130 PH IIIB - Embankment (International - I4) - WB Outside Widening Area No 13-Nov-17
TF-CO-016 F+1 Generator No 13-Nov-17
TF-CO-017 F+1 Fuel Tank No 13-Nov-17
IIIBR-GC140 PH IIIB - Demo - Ramp J No 13-Nov-17
IIBR-ITS80 PH IIB - Install CCTV's (9-16) No 13-Nov-17
IIIBR-ITS130 PH IIIB - Install Digital Message Signs (1-12) No 13-Nov-17
IIIBR-SM540 PH IIIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (International to Univ.) (20 EA) (B) No 13-Nov-17
IIIBR-SM580 PH IIIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (Univ. to JYP) (20 EA) (B) No 13-Nov-17
IIIBR-SM630 PH IIIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (JYP to TPK) (20 EA) (D) No 13-Nov-17
IIIAWBO-ST700 PH IIIA - Production Pile (1-10)(Concrete) - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) No 15-Nov-17
IIIBR100 PH IIIB - Construct Ramp G Diversion/Temp Pavement - Ramp G No 27-Nov-17
IIBEBO-ST540 PH IIB - Concrete Slope Pavement - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 27-Nov-17
IIIBWBO-ST450 PH IIIB - Concrete Slope Pavement - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 27-Nov-17
IIIBR-EW100 PH IIIB - Embankment - Ramp G No 27-Nov-17
IIIBWBO-RW140 PH IIIB - Base (JYP - Universal) - WB Outside Widening Area No 27-Nov-17
IIIBWBO-ST26 PH IIIB - Production Pile (11-30)(Concrete) - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) Yes 29-Nov-17
IIBEBO-ST160 PH IIB - End Bent 1 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) No 02-Dec-17
IIIBR-EC20 PH IIIB - Erect Cantilevers (4-9) No 04-Dec-17
IIBEBO-RW110 PH IIB - Stabilization (I4-Int. Drive) - EB Outside Widening No 04-Dec-17
TF-CO-023 Erect Truss No 04-Dec-17
TF-CO-025 Install Equip. Arm Supports No 04-Dec-17
TF-CO-029 Install Conduit/Raceways No 04-Dec-17
IIICR200 PH IIIC - Remove Diversion / Construct Ramp Shoulder/Gore - Ramp V No 05-Dec-17
IIBEBO-ST200 PH IIB - End Bent 3 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) No 05-Dec-17
IIBEBO-ST140 PH IIB - Wall Bent 1 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) No 06-Dec-17
IIIBWBO-AP100 PH IIIB - Asphalt - Structural - WB Outside Widening Area No 06-Dec-17
IICR-TC190 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp R-2 No 07-Dec-17
IIIBR-GC100 PH IIIB - Demo - Ramp G No 07-Dec-17
IIBEBO-ST190 PH IIB - Wall Bent 3 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) No 08-Dec-17
IIBEBO-ST720 PH IIB - Curing for End Bent 3 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) No 11-Dec-17
IICR-TC170 PH IIC - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - Ramp S-2 Yes 13-Dec-17
IIIAWBO-ST580 PH IIIA - Concrete Slope Pavement - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge 750630 Ramp T over JYP) No 13-Dec-17
IICR-TC160 PH IIC - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp S-2 Yes 16-Dec-17

The following actual finish dates were added in E8P02 Update No. 26

Activity ID Activity Description On LP Actual Finish
IIIBR-TC210 PH IIIB - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp K No 02-May-17
IIDEBO-ST200 PH IID - End Bent 1 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) Yes 10-May-17
IIDEBO-ST220 PH IID - End Bent 5 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) Yes 12-May-17
TF-CO-015 Install HVAC No 28-Jun-17
IIIAWBO-SP100 PH IIIA - Jack & Bore - WB Outside Widening Area (SR528) Yes 07-Jul-17
USDED-CO-002 Duke Energy Distribution (B) No 17-Jul-17
TF-CO-010 FRP Conc. Pad (Generator) No 18-Aug-17
TF-CO-022 Construct Sidewalk No 18-Aug-17
IIBR-EW130 PH IIB - Embankment - Ramp R-1 No 21-Aug-17
IIBR120 PH IIB - Construct Ramp R-1 Diversion - Ramp R-1 No 21-Aug-17
IIBR-AP170 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp L No 21-Aug-17
IIIBWBO-ST350 PH IIIB - Superstructure Deck SIB & Start Rebar - WB Outside Widening (Area Bridge over Universal BLVD) No 22-Aug-17
IIIBWBO-EW103 PH IIIB - Surcharge/ Embankment 4 - WB Outside Widening Area No 22-Aug-17
IICR-SP130 PH IIC - Remove Ramp O Diversion - Construct EB Roadway Tie-In No 22-Aug-17
IIBEBO-ST570 PH IIB - Superstructure Deck Pour - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over Universal BLVD) No 23-Aug-17
IIIBWBO-ST171 PH IIIB - Demo Traffic Rail - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) No 23-Aug-17
IICR-TC200 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp L No 24-Aug-17
IBWBM-RW111 PH IB - Stabilization for Permanent Shoulder Construction (JYP-TRP) - WB Median Widening No 25-Aug-17
PRE-FA-042 Fabricate and Deliver 781 DMS No 31-Aug-17
IIBEBO-ST530 PH IIB - Approach Slabs - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 31-Aug-17
PRE-PS-027 Prepare and Submit 663 Signal Priority and Preemption Systems No 13-Sep-17
IIIBR-SP120 PH IIIB - Drainage (Temp) - Ramp V No 17-Sep-17
IIIBR-SP130 PH IIIB - Drainage (Temp) - Ramp K No 17-Sep-17
IIIBR-TC160 PH IIIB - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - Ramp J No 17-Sep-17
IIIBR-TC200 PH IIIB - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - Ramp K No 17-Sep-17
IIBR-GC140 PH IIB - Demo - Ramp I-1 No 19-Sep-17
IIBR-EW150 PH IIB - Embankment - Ramp I-1 No 22-Sep-17
IIIAWBO-ST600 PH IIIA - Traffic Railing (32") - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge 750630 Ramp T over JYP) No 24-Sep-17
PRE-RA-027 Review and Approve 663 Signal Priority and Preemption Systems No 29-Sep-17
IIBEBO-ST560 PH IIB - Traffic Railing (32") - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 01-Oct-17
IIBEBO-ST2 PH IIB - Test Pile - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) No 03-Oct-17
IIIBR-RW140 PH IIIB - Stabilization - Ramp V No 04-Oct-17
IIIBWBO-ST100 PH IIIB - Superstructure Deck Finish Rebar\Set Screed\Pour - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Universal BLVD) No 05-Oct-17
IBWBM-RW220 PH IB - Base for Permanent Shoulder Construction (JYP-TRP) - WB Median Widening No 06-Oct-17
IIIAWBO-TC130 PH IIIA - Set Temp Traffic Barriers - WB Outside Widening Area Yes 06-Oct-17
IIBR-RW130 PH IIB - Base - Ramp E No 09-Oct-17
IBEBM-TC220 PH IIIA - Construct Diversion at Shingle Creek - WB Median Widening No 09-Oct-17
IBWBM-RW230 PH IB - Pavement for Permanent Shoulder Construction (JYP-TRP) - WB Median Widening No 09-Oct-17
IIIBWBO-ST440 PH IIIB - Approach Slabs - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 09-Oct-17
IIBR-TC270 PH IIB - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp C No 11-Oct-17
IIIBR110 PH IIIB - Construct Ramp J Diversion/Temp Pavement - Ramp J No 12-Oct-17
IIIAWBO-AP100 PH IIIA - Mill & Resurface (sacrificial) - WB Outside Widening Area (SR528) Yes 12-Oct-17
IIIAWBO-TC100 PH IIIA - Install Sign & Traffic Control Devices - WB Outside Widening Area Yes 12-Oct-17
IIIAWBO-TC110 PH IIIA - Temp Striping for Phase - WB Outside Widening Area (SR528) Yes 12-Oct-17
IIIAWBO-TC120 PH IIIA - MOT Shift for Phase - WB Outside Widening Area Yes 12-Oct-17
IIIBWBO-TC110 PH IIIB - Set Temp Traffic Barriers - WB Outside Widening Area No 12-Oct-17
IIIAR100 PH IIIA - Construct Ramp Diversion P - Ramp P (STA 2013+84 to 2005+50) No 13-Oct-17
IICR-TC150 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp I-1 No 13-Oct-17
IIBR-RW220 PH IIB - Base - Ramp R-2 No 13-Oct-17
IIBR-GC170 PH IIB - Demo - Ramp C No 13-Oct-17
IIIBWBO-ST460 PH IIIB - Lighting Conduit - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 13-Oct-17
IIBR-RW290 PH IIB - Shoulder Gutter - Ramp C No 15-Oct-17
IIBR-AP180 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp U No 16-Oct-17
IIBR-RW120 PH IIB - Stabilization - Ramp E No 16-Oct-17
IIBR-SM470 PH IIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (JYP to TPK) (20 EA) (A) No 16-Oct-17
IIIBR-RW150 PH IIIB - Base - Ramp V No 17-Oct-17
IIBR-SP130 PH IIB - Drainage - Ramp I-1 No 17-Oct-17
IIIAR120 PH IIIA - Construct Ramp Diversion P - Ramp P (Tie-in to SC Diversion) No 19-Oct-17
IIIBWBO-ST470 PH IIIB - Traffic Railing (32") - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 21-Oct-17
IIIAWBO-ST24 PH IIIA - Construct Crane Access - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) No 23-Oct-17
IIBEBO-ST4 PH IIB - Production Pile - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) No 25-Oct-17
IIIBR-AP120 PH IIIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp V No 25-Oct-17
IICR-TC210 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp U No 25-Oct-17
IIIBWBO-ST190 PH IIIB - Demo Traffic Rails - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) Yes 25-Oct-17
IIICWBO-ST100 PH IIIA - Demo Bridge - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) No 25-Oct-17
IIIBR-RW180 PH IIIB - Stabilization - Ramp T No 27-Oct-17
IIBR-RW180 PH IIB - Stabilization - Ramp H No 27-Oct-17
IIIBR-RW160 PH IIIB - Stabilization - Ramp K No 30-Oct-17
IIBR-EC10 PH IIB - Erect Cantilevers (1-3) No 31-Oct-17
IIBR-ITS50 PH IIB - Install ITS Poles (1-20) No 31-Oct-17
IIBEBO-ST580 PH IIB - Grind and Groove - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 02-Nov-17
IIICWBO-ST220 PH IIIA - Demo Bridge Deck - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) No 02-Nov-17
IIIBR-RW120 PH IIIB - Stabilization - Ramp J No 03-Nov-17
IIIBWBO-ST510 PH IIIB - Grind and Groove - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 03-Nov-17
IIIAWBO-ST620 PH IIIA - Grind and Groove - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge 750630 Ramp T over JYP) No 04-Nov-17
IIIBR-RW190 PH IIIB - Base - Ramp T No 07-Nov-17
IIIBR-RW130 PH IIIB - Base - Ramp J No 08-Nov-17
IIBR-RW190 PH IIB - Base - Ramp H No 09-Nov-17
IIIC-AP170 PH IIIC - Construct Ped. Signalization at Ramps G&F No 12-Nov-17
IIBR-GC390 PH IIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp R-2 No 12-Nov-17
IIIBR-GC140 PH IIIB - Demo - Ramp J No 15-Nov-17
TF-CO-016 F+1 Generator No 17-Nov-17
TF-CO-017 F+1 Fuel Tank No 17-Nov-17
IIIBWBO-W101 PH IIIB - Gravity Wall - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Universal BLVD) No 17-Nov-17
IIBEBO-RW112 PH IIB - Stabilization (Universal - JYP) - EB Outside Widening - (STA 291 to 320) No 30-Nov-17
IIBR-AP150 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp R-2 No 03-Dec-17
IIIBR100 PH IIIB - Construct Ramp G Diversion/Temp Pavement - Ramp G No 05-Dec-17
IIBEBO-ST160 PH IIB - End Bent 1 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) No 06-Dec-17
IIBEBO-IE20 PH IIB - Install 2 Ea Mast Arms at Jyp No 07-Dec-17
IIBEBO-ST540 PH IIB - Concrete Slope Pavement - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 07-Dec-17
IIBR-IB180 PH IIB - Install Bores/Boxes/Ped Signals at Ramp R No 07-Dec-17
IIIAWBO-ST700 PH IIIA - Production Pile (1-10)(Concrete) - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) No 07-Dec-17
IIBEBO-ST140 PH IIB - Wall Bent 1 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) No 08-Dec-17
IIBEBO-ST200 PH IIB - End Bent 3 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) No 08-Dec-17
IICR-TC190 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp R-2 No 08-Dec-17
IIBEBO-ST190 PH IIB - Wall Bent 3 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) No 11-Dec-17
TF-CO-025 Install Equip. Arm Supports No 11-Dec-17
IIIBWBO-ST450 PH IIIB - Concrete Slope Pavement - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 12-Dec-17
TF-CO-023 Erect Truss No 13-Dec-17
IIIBR-EW100 PH IIIB - Embankment - Ramp G No 13-Dec-17
IIBEBO-RW140 PH IIB - Base (Universal - JYP) - EB Outside Widening - LR - (STA 291 to 304) No 14-Dec-17
IBEBO-SP150 PH IB - Drainage (Pond 5C @ John Young) - EB Outside Widening (Ponds) No 15-Dec-17
IICR100 PH IIC - Construct Ramp S-2 Diversion - Ramp S-2 No 16-Dec-17

The following issues were found:

Activity status has changed from "started" to "not started" in the current update

This table represents activities with no predecessor relationships in E8P02 Update No. 26

Activity ID Activity Description

This table represents activities with no successor relationships in E8P02 Update No. 26

Activity ID Activity Description
GC-DP110 PH MS - Project Completion

Several activities were completed out-of-sequence in E8P02 Update No. 26. This table should be used as a tool to understand the impact of out-of-sequence work on the project schedule and to develop strategies to minimize disruptions in the future.

Out-of-sequence work can lead to inefficiencies, increased costs, and potential delays in subsequent activities. A small number of out-of-sequence activities is typically normal and can be expected in any project. However, a large number indicates that the contractor is either not following the schedule or not updating the progress timely. In such cases, it is essential to revisit the scheduling logic and see if it needs to be adjusted or revised.

Recommended actions: Meet with the contractor to review and discuss the reasons behind the out-of-sequence work for these activities and identify any patterns or recurring issues. Implement process improvements and communicate the importance of following the planned sequence to the project team. Adjust the project schedule if necessary and inform stakeholders of any changes to ensure alignment and transparency.

Activity ID Activity Description On LP Act start date Parent end date
IBEBM-TC220 PH IIIA - Construct Diversion at Shingle Creek - WB Median Widening No 23-Aug-17 17-Dec-17
IIBEBO-RW110 PH IIB - Stabilization (I4-Int. Drive) - EB Outside Widening No 04-Dec-17 17-Jan-18
IIBEBO-ST140 PH IIB - Wall Bent 1 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) No 06-Dec-17 26-Dec-17
IIBEBO-ST160 PH IIB - End Bent 1 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) No 02-Dec-17 26-Dec-17
IIBEBO-ST190 PH IIB - Wall Bent 3 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) No 08-Dec-17 26-Dec-17
IIBEBO-ST200 PH IIB - End Bent 3 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) No 05-Dec-17 26-Dec-17
IIBEBO-ST530 PH IIB - Approach Slabs - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 24-Aug-17 17-Dec-17
IIBEBO-ST540 PH IIB - Concrete Slope Pavement - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 27-Nov-17 26-Dec-17
IIBEBO-ST560 PH IIB - Traffic Railing (32") - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 30-Sep-17 17-Dec-17
IIBEBO-ST570 PH IIB - Superstructure Deck Pour - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over Universal BLVD) No 21-Aug-17 17-Dec-17
IIBEBO-ST580 PH IIB - Grind and Groove - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 01-Nov-17 17-Dec-17
IIBEBO-ST720 PH IIB - Curing for End Bent 3 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) No 11-Dec-17 26-Dec-17
IIBEBO-W110 PH IIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall (RW-4A) - SE Corner @ I-Drive No 21-Aug-17 18-Dec-17
IIBEBO-W120 PH IIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall (RW-3) - SW Corner @ I-Drive No 11-Oct-17 18-Dec-17
IIBR-AP110 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp E No 11-Oct-17 17-Dec-17
IIBR-AP140 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp H No 29-Oct-17 17-Dec-17
IIBR-AP150 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp R-2 No 01-Sep-17 17-Dec-17
IIBR-AP170 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp L No 21-Aug-17 17-Dec-17
IIBR-EC10 PH IIB - Erect Cantilevers (1-3) No 05-Oct-17 17-Dec-17
IIBR-EW140 PH IIB - Embankment - Ramp C No 09-Oct-17 26-Jan-18
IIBR-EW150 PH IIB - Embankment - Ramp I-1 No 18-Sep-17 17-Dec-17
IIBR-GC140 PH IIB - Demo - Ramp I-1 No 18-Sep-17 17-Dec-17
IIBR-GC170 PH IIB - Demo - Ramp C No 12-Oct-17 12-Jan-18
IIBR-GC390 PH IIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp R-2 No 12-Nov-17 17-Dec-17
IIBR-IB180 PH IIB - Install Bores/Boxes/Ped Signals at Ramp R No 07-Nov-17 17-Dec-17
IIBR-ITS60 PH IIB - Install ITS Poles (21-41) No 06-Nov-17 04-Jan-18
IIBR-ITS70 PH IIB - Install CCTV's (1-8) No 13-Nov-17 25-Dec-17
IIBR-ITS80 PH IIB - Install CCTV's (9-16) No 13-Nov-17 02-Mar-18
IIBR-RW140 PH IIB - Stabilization - Ramp C No 08-Nov-17 29-Jan-18
IIBR-RW190 PH IIB - Base - Ramp H No 03-Oct-17 17-Dec-17
IIBR-RW220 PH IIB - Base - Ramp R-2 No 22-Aug-17 17-Dec-17
IIBR-RW290 PH IIB - Shoulder Gutter - Ramp C No 15-Oct-17 05-Mar-18
IIBR-SM420 PH IIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (International to Univ.) (14 EA) No 16-Oct-17 19-Jan-18
IIBR-SM430 PH IIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (International to Univ.) (7 EA) No 16-Oct-17 22-Jan-18
IIBR-SM490 PH IIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (JYP to TPK) (20 EA) (C) No 16-Oct-17 29-Jan-18
IIBR-SP150 PH IIB - Drainage - Ramp C No 06-Nov-17 12-Jan-18
IIBR-TC270 PH IIB - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp C No 10-Oct-17 12-Jan-18
IICR-EW120 PH IIC - Embankment - Ramp M No 28-Aug-17 04-Jan-18
IICR-RW340 PH IIC - Complete Widening - Ramp H No 29-Nov-17 18-Dec-17
IICR-RW350 PH IIC - Complete Widening - Ramp I-1 No 27-Nov-17 08-Jan-18
IICR-RW360 PH IIC - Complete Widening - Ramp L No 14-Dec-17 17-Dec-17
IICR-TC150 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp I-1 No 12-Oct-17 17-Dec-17
IICR-TC160 PH IIC - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp S-2 Yes 16-Dec-17 18-Dec-17
IICR-TC170 PH IIC - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - Ramp S-2 Yes 13-Dec-17 18-Dec-17
IICR-TC190 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp R-2 No 07-Dec-17 17-Dec-17
IICR-TC200 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp L No 23-Aug-17 17-Dec-17
IICR-TC210 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp U No 24-Oct-17 17-Dec-17
IICR120 PH IIC - Construct Ramp M Diversion - Ramp M No 28-Aug-17 18-Dec-17
IIIAR120 PH IIIA - Construct Ramp Diversion P - Ramp P (Tie-in to SC Diversion) No 12-Oct-17 17-Dec-17
IIIAWBO-AP100 PH IIIA - Mill & Resurface (sacrificial) - WB Outside Widening Area (SR528) Yes 11-Oct-17 18-Dec-17
IIIAWBO-ST24 PH IIIA - Construct Crane Access - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) No 20-Oct-17 17-Dec-17
IIIAWBO-ST580 PH IIIA - Concrete Slope Pavement - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge 750630 Ramp T over JYP) No 13-Dec-17 02-Jan-18
IIIAWBO-ST600 PH IIIA - Traffic Railing (32") - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge 750630 Ramp T over JYP) No 23-Sep-17 02-Jan-18
IIIAWBO-ST620 PH IIIA - Grind and Groove - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge 750630 Ramp T over JYP) No 01-Nov-17 02-Jan-18
IIIAWBO-ST700 PH IIIA - Production Pile (1-10)(Concrete) - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) No 15-Nov-17 17-Dec-17
IIIAWBO-TC100 PH IIIA - Install Sign & Traffic Control Devices - WB Outside Widening Area Yes 11-Oct-17 18-Dec-17
IIIAWBO-TC110 PH IIIA - Temp Striping for Phase - WB Outside Widening Area (SR528) Yes 11-Oct-17 18-Dec-17
IIIAWBO-TC120 PH IIIA - MOT Shift for Phase - WB Outside Widening Area Yes 11-Oct-17 18-Dec-17
IIIAWBO-TC130 PH IIIA - Set Temp Traffic Barriers - WB Outside Widening Area Yes 04-Oct-17 18-Dec-17
IIIBR-AP120 PH IIIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp V No 23-Oct-17 22-Jan-18
IIIBR-EC20 PH IIIB - Erect Cantilevers (4-9) No 04-Dec-17 17-Dec-17
IIIBR-ET40 PH IIIB - Erect Trusses (1-8) No 21-Aug-17 17-Dec-17
IIIBR-EW100 PH IIIB - Embankment - Ramp G No 27-Nov-17 22-Jan-18
IIIBR-EW130 PH IIIB - Embankment - Ramp K No 05-Oct-17 26-Feb-18
IIIBR-GC100 PH IIIB - Demo - Ramp G No 07-Dec-17 17-Dec-17
IIIBR-GC140 PH IIIB - Demo - Ramp J No 13-Nov-17 22-Jan-18
IIIBR-ITS1000 PH IIIB - Install Conduit/Boxes (I-4 to International) No 13-Nov-17 17-Dec-17
IIIBR-ITS130 PH IIIB - Install Digital Message Signs (1-12) No 13-Nov-17 23-May-18
IIIBR-ITS90 PH IIIB - Install ITS Cabinets/Hardware No 16-Oct-17 23-Jan-18
IIIBR-RW120 PH IIIB - Stabilization - Ramp J No 30-Oct-17 26-Feb-18
IIIBR-RW130 PH IIIB - Base - Ramp J No 02-Nov-17 26-Feb-18
IIIBR-RW140 PH IIIB - Stabilization - Ramp V No 02-Oct-17 22-Jan-18
IIIBR-RW150 PH IIIB - Base - Ramp V No 04-Oct-17 22-Jan-18
IIIBR-RW160 PH IIIB - Stabilization - Ramp K No 18-Oct-17 27-Feb-18
IIIBR-RW170 PH IIIB - Base - Ramp K No 31-Oct-17 27-Feb-18
IIIBR-RW180 PH IIIB - Stabilization - Ramp T No 23-Oct-17 02-Feb-18
IIIBR-RW190 PH IIIB - Base - Ramp T No 30-Oct-17 02-Feb-18
IIIBR-SM540 PH IIIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (International to Univ.) (20 EA) (B) No 13-Nov-17 02-Mar-18
IIIBR-SM580 PH IIIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (Univ. to JYP) (20 EA) (B) No 13-Nov-17 12-Apr-18
IIIBR-SM630 PH IIIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (JYP to TPK) (20 EA) (D) No 13-Nov-17 13-Jun-18
IIIBR-SP120 PH IIIB - Drainage (Temp) - Ramp V No 17-Sep-17 22-Jan-18
IIIBR-SP130 PH IIIB - Drainage (Temp) - Ramp K No 17-Sep-17 26-Feb-18
IIIBR-TC160 PH IIIB - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - Ramp J No 17-Sep-17 17-Dec-17
IIIBR-TC200 PH IIIB - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - Ramp K No 17-Sep-17 22-Jan-18
IIIBR100 PH IIIB - Construct Ramp G Diversion/Temp Pavement - Ramp G No 27-Nov-17 17-Dec-17
IIIBR110 PH IIIB - Construct Ramp J Diversion/Temp Pavement - Ramp J No 28-Aug-17 17-Dec-17
IIIBWBO-AP100 PH IIIB - Asphalt - Structural - WB Outside Widening Area No 06-Dec-17 19-Feb-18
IIIBWBO-EW130 PH IIIB - Embankment (International - I4) - WB Outside Widening Area No 13-Nov-17 17-Dec-17
IIIBWBO-GC100 PH IIIB - MISC. Demo - WB Outside Widening Area No 29-Aug-17 18-Dec-17
IIIBWBO-RW100 PH IIIB - Stabilization (JYP-Universal) - WB Outside Widening Area No 06-Nov-17 26-Jan-18
IIIBWBO-RW110 PH IIIB - Stabilization (Universal - International) - WB Outside Widening Area No 25-Sep-17 29-Jan-18
IIIBWBO-RW120 PH IIIB - Stabilization (International - I4) - WB Outside Widening Area No 09-Nov-17 09-Jan-18
IIIBWBO-RW140 PH IIIB - Base (JYP - Universal) - WB Outside Widening Area No 27-Nov-17 13-Feb-18
IIIBWBO-RW150 PH IIIB - Base (Universal - International) - WB Outside Widening Area No 11-Oct-17 01-Feb-18
IIIBWBO-ST100 PH IIIB - Superstructure Deck Finish Rebar\Set Screed\Pour - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Universal BLVD) No 23-Aug-17 17-Dec-17
IIIBWBO-ST171 PH IIIB - Demo Traffic Rail - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) No 21-Aug-17 16-Jan-18
IIIBWBO-ST190 PH IIIB - Demo Traffic Rails - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) Yes 23-Oct-17 17-Dec-17
IIIBWBO-ST26 PH IIIB - Production Pile (11-30)(Concrete) - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) Yes 29-Nov-17 22-Dec-17
IIIBWBO-ST440 PH IIIB - Approach Slabs - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 03-Oct-17 17-Dec-17
IIIBWBO-ST450 PH IIIB - Concrete Slope Pavement - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 27-Nov-17 17-Dec-17
IIIBWBO-ST460 PH IIIB - Lighting Conduit - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 12-Oct-17 17-Dec-17
IIIBWBO-ST470 PH IIIB - Traffic Railing (32") - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 20-Oct-17 17-Dec-17
IIIBWBO-ST510 PH IIIB - Grind and Groove - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD) No 02-Nov-17 17-Dec-17
IIIBWBO-ST631 PH IIIB - Demo Bridge Deck - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) No 23-Aug-17 14-Feb-18
IIIBWBO-ST650 PH IIIB - Demo Bridge Deck - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) Yes 27-Oct-17 18-Dec-17
IIIBWBO-ST660 PH IIIB - Remove Beams - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) Yes 27-Oct-17 20-Dec-17
IIIBWBO-ST670 PH IIIB - Demo Pile Cap - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) Yes 27-Oct-17 20-Dec-17
IIIBWBO-ST680 PH IIIB - Extract Pile - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) Yes 01-Nov-17 21-Dec-17
IIIBWBO-W101 PH IIIB - Gravity Wall - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Universal BLVD) No 13-Nov-17 17-Dec-17
IIIC-AP170 PH IIIC - Construct Ped. Signalization at Ramps G&F No 12-Nov-17 07-Feb-18
IIICR110 PH IIIC - Construct Ramp N Diversion - Ramp N No 29-Aug-17 09-Mar-18
IIICR200 PH IIIC - Remove Diversion / Construct Ramp Shoulder/Gore - Ramp V No 05-Dec-17 22-Jan-18
IIICWBO-ST100 PH IIIA - Demo Bridge - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) No 16-Oct-17 18-Dec-17
IIICWBO-ST220 PH IIIA - Demo Bridge Deck - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) No 25-Oct-17 02-Jan-18
PRE-FA-027 Fabricate and Deliver 663 Signal Priority and Preemption Systems No 29-Sep-17 17-Dec-17
TF-CO-014 Pull Wire & Install Light Fixtures No 12-Nov-17 25-Dec-17
TF-CO-016 F+1 Generator No 13-Nov-17 23-Dec-17
TF-CO-017 F+1 Fuel Tank No 13-Nov-17 23-Dec-17
TF-CO-018 Install Lighting No 12-Nov-17 25-Dec-17
TF-CO-019 Install Security System No 12-Nov-17 25-Dec-17
TF-CO-020 Install Lightning Protection No 12-Nov-17 25-Dec-17
TF-CO-023 Erect Truss No 04-Dec-17 30-Dec-17
TF-CO-024 Wall Treatments (Ply) No 12-Nov-17 08-Jan-18
TF-CO-025 Install Equip. Arm Supports No 04-Dec-17 30-Dec-17
TF-CO-029 Install Conduit/Raceways No 04-Dec-17 25-Dec-17

Successful Tests (no errors, changes, or issues)

  • Activities with Future Actual Dates

Potential Project Delays

Several activities took longer than originally anticipated. The following table compares the original and actual durations for activities completed during E8P02 Update No. 26 schedule update, specifically those where the original duration (OD) does not match the actual duration (AD). This table should be used as a tool to review and adjust the durations for similar activities not yet started, ensuring more accurate scheduling and resource allocation.

A significant discrepancy between original and actual durations can indicate underlying issues such as resource constraints, unforeseen complexities, unexpected material shortages, significant lead times, or inefficiencies in processes. Addressing these discrepancies promptly is crucial to improving future project planning and execution.

Recommended actions: Analyze the causes of the discrepancies for these activities and implement corrective measures such as resource optimization, process improvements, or contingency planning. Adjust the project schedule for upcoming activities to reflect more realistic durations and inform stakeholders of these adjustments to maintain transparency and alignment.

Activity ID Activity Description Original Duration Actual Duration
IIBR120 PH IIB - Construct Ramp R-1 Diversion - Ramp R-1 20 139
IICR100 PH IIC - Construct Ramp S-2 Diversion - Ramp S-2 20 212
IIIAR100 PH IIIA - Construct Ramp Diversion P - Ramp P (STA 2013+84 to 2005+50) 15 194
IIIAR120 PH IIIA - Construct Ramp Diversion P - Ramp P (Tie-in to SC Diversion) 5 5
IIIBR110 PH IIIB - Construct Ramp J Diversion/Temp Pavement - Ramp J 20 33
IIBR-EC10 PH IIB - Erect Cantilevers (1-3) 3 18
TF-CO-023 Erect Truss 5 7
IIBEBO-ST2 PH IIB - Test Pile - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) 3 38
IIBEBO-ST4 PH IIB - Production Pile - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) 11 375
IIBR-AP150 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp R-2 2 62
IIBR-AP180 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp U 2 109
IIBR-EW130 PH IIB - Embankment - Ramp R-1 5 108
IIBR-ITS50 PH IIB - Install ITS Poles (1-20) 20 78
IIBR-RW120 PH IIB - Stabilization - Ramp E 2 54
IIBR-RW130 PH IIB - Base - Ramp E 8 41
IIBR-RW180 PH IIB - Stabilization - Ramp H 2 54
IIBR-RW190 PH IIB - Base - Ramp H 8 27
IIBR-RW220 PH IIB - Base - Ramp R-2 8 37
IIBR-SM470 PH IIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (JYP to TPK) (20 EA) (A) 20 305
IIBR-SP130 PH IIB - Drainage - Ramp I-1 10 66
IIBR-TC270 PH IIB - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp C 1 2
IICR-SP130 PH IIC - Remove Ramp O Diversion - Construct EB Roadway Tie-In 15 26
IICR-TC190 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp R-2 1 2
IICR-TC200 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp L 1 2
IICR-TC210 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp U 1 2
PRE-FA-042 Fabricate and Deliver 781 DMS 56 106
PRE-PS-027 Prepare and Submit 663 Signal Priority and Preemption Systems 28 594
PRE-RA-027 Review and Approve 663 Signal Priority and Preemption Systems 45 592
IBEBM-TC220 PH IIIA - Construct Diversion at Shingle Creek - WB Median Widening 15 32
IBEBO-SP150 PH IB - Drainage (Pond 5C @ John Young) - EB Outside Widening (Ponds) 15 343
IBWBM-RW111 PH IB - Stabilization for Permanent Shoulder Construction (JYP-TRP) - WB Median Widening 10 284
IBWBM-RW220 PH IB - Base for Permanent Shoulder Construction (JYP-TRP) - WB Median Widening 10 238
IBWBM-RW230 PH IB - Pavement for Permanent Shoulder Construction (JYP-TRP) - WB Median Widening 10 227
IIBEBO-IE20 PH IIB - Install 2 Ea Mast Arms at Jyp 10 77
IIIBR-EW100 PH IIIB - Embankment - Ramp G 5 13
IIIBR-RW120 PH IIIB - Stabilization - Ramp J 2 4
IIIBR-RW150 PH IIIB - Base - Ramp V 8 10
IIIBR-RW160 PH IIIB - Stabilization - Ramp K 2 8
IIIBR-RW180 PH IIIB - Stabilization - Ramp T 2 4
IIBEBO-RW112 PH IIB - Stabilization (Universal - JYP) - EB Outside Widening - (STA 291 to 320) 14 179
IIBEBO-RW140 PH IIB - Base (Universal - JYP) - EB Outside Widening - LR - (STA 291 to 304) 8 109
IIBEBO-ST530 PH IIB - Approach Slabs - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over universal BLVD) 5 6
IIBEBO-ST540 PH IIB - Concrete Slope Pavement - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over universal BLVD) 5 9
IIBEBO-ST570 PH IIB - Superstructure Deck Pour - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over Universal BLVD) 1 2
IIIAWBO-AP100 PH IIIA - Mill & Resurface (sacrificial) - WB Outside Widening Area (SR528) 1 2
IIIAWBO-ST700 PH IIIA - Production Pile (1-10)(Concrete) - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 5 15
IIIAWBO-TC100 PH IIIA - Install Sign & Traffic Control Devices - WB Outside Widening Area 1 2
IIIAWBO-TC110 PH IIIA - Temp Striping for Phase - WB Outside Widening Area (SR528) 1 2
IIIAWBO-TC120 PH IIIA - MOT Shift for Phase - WB Outside Widening Area 1 2
IIIBWBO-EW103 PH IIIB - Surcharge/ Embankment 4 - WB Outside Widening Area 17 22
IIIBWBO-ST100 PH IIIB - Superstructure Deck Finish Rebar\Set Screed\Pour - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Universal BLVD) 15 29
IIIBWBO-ST171 PH IIIB - Demo Traffic Rail - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) 2 3
IIIBWBO-ST350 PH IIIB - Superstructure Deck SIB & Start Rebar - WB Outside Widening (Area Bridge over Universal BLVD) 20 21
IIIBWBO-ST450 PH IIIB - Concrete Slope Pavement - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD) 8 12
IIIBWBO-ST460 PH IIIB - Lighting Conduit - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over universal BLVD) 1 2
IIIBWBO-TC110 PH IIIB - Set Temp Traffic Barriers - WB Outside Widening Area 3 41
IIICWBO-ST100 PH IIIA - Demo Bridge - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 4 8

The following issues were found:

Finish day is Saturday
Starts on a day off: Sunday 01-May-16 00:00:00
Finish day is Sunday
Starts on a day off: Sunday 12-Nov-17 08:00:00
Starts and finishes at the same date and time
Starts and finishes at the same date and time
Starts and finishes at the same date and time
Starts and finishes at the same date and time
Starts and finishes at the same date and time
Starts and finishes at the same date and time
Starts on a day off: Saturday 02-Dec-17 13:00:00
Starts on a day off: Saturday 30-Sep-17 08:00:00
Finish day is Sunday
Starts on a day off: Saturday 23-Sep-17 08:00:00
Finish day is Sunday
Finish day is Saturday
Finish day is Saturday

The following table represents a complete list of activities that should have been started but have not as of December 17, 2017 data date.

Highlighted in red are critical activities with negative total float that should have been started already, but have not. They are especially urgent and indicate delays that could directly impact the project’s completion date. These critical activities must be discussed with the contractor to understand the reasons for the delays and to develop a plan to mitigate the impact.

Recommended actions: Investigate the causes of delays for these activities and reassign resources. adjust task dependencies, or revise the scheduling logic to expedite their start. Update the project schedule to reflect these changes and communicate the revised timelines and potential impacts on project milestones to all stakeholders. Ensuring that everyone is aware of the new priorities and deadlines will help to align efforts and prevent further delays.

Activity ID Activity Description Planned Start Date Total Float
IICR-GC100 PH IIC - Demo - Ramp S-2 13-Sep-17 -7
IICR-RW100 PH IIC - Stabilization - Ramp S-2 21-Sep-17 -3
IICR-RW110 PH IIC - Base - Ramp S-2 25-Sep-17 -7
IICR-AP100 PH IIC - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp S-2 05-Oct-17 -7
IICR-GC120 PH IIC - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp S-2 09-Oct-17 -7
IICR-GC110 PH IIC - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp S-2 11-Oct-17 -7
IIBEBO-ST250 PH IIB - Set Beams - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International Drive) 16-Oct-17 -5
IIBEBO-ST270 PH IIB - Superstructure Deck - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International Drive) 19-Oct-17 -5
IIIBWBO-ST750 PH IIIB - Gravity Wall @ Shingle Creek - WB Outside Widening (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 01-Nov-17 -7
IIDEBO-ST180 PH IID - Demo Traffic Rails - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 02-Nov-17 -7
IIDEBO-ST300 PH IID - Demo Bridge Deck remove slabs - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 08-Nov-17 -7
IIBEBO-ST330 PH IIB - Approach Slabs - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) 20-Nov-17 -5
IIDEBO-ST320 PH IID - Demo Bridge Deck hand demo - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 27-Nov-17 -7
IIIBWBO-ST2 PH IIIB - Test Pile - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) 29-Nov-17 -3
IIBEBO-ST370 PH IIB - Lighting Conduit - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) 29-Nov-17 -5
IIBEBO-ST380 PH IIB - Traffic Railing (32") - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) 30-Nov-17 -5
IIBEBO-ST390 PH IIB - Grind and Groove - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) 05-Dec-17 -5
IIIBWBO-ST430 PH IIIB - Wall Bent 4 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 07-Dec-17 -7
IIICR100 PH IIIC - Construct Ramp F Diversion - Ramp F 21-Aug-17 37
IBR-GC100 PH IB - Clear & Grub/Demo - Ramp B/C Gore 21-Aug-17 1
IIAR-GC100 PH IIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp O 21-Aug-17 103
IIBR-SP210 PH IIB - Drainage - Ramp D 21-Aug-17 9
IICR-TC180 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp H 21-Aug-17 18
IICR-TC1000 PH IIC - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - Ramp M 21-Aug-17 76
IIBEBO-SP100 PH IIB - Drainage (I4-Int. Drive) - EB Outside Widening (SR528) 21-Aug-17 5
IIBEBO-SP160 PH IIB - Gutter Drainage - STA 407 - 412 (EB Outside) 21-Aug-17 17
IIBEBO-ST440 PH IIB - Concrete Slope Pavement - EB Outside Widening (Bridge 750629 Ramp S over JYP) 21-Aug-17 9
IIBR-SM380 PH IIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (I-4 to International) (14 EA) 23-Aug-17 45
IIBR-EW210 PH IIB - Embankment - Ramp D 24-Aug-17 9
IIBR-IB10 PH IIB - Install Bores/Loops/Boxes at Ramp E 25-Aug-17 17
IIBR-GC220 PH IIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp E 25-Aug-17 20
IBR-EW100 PH IB - Embankment - Ramp B/C Gore 28-Aug-17 1
IIBR-RW310 PH IIB - Base - Ramp D 29-Aug-17 9
IIBR-GC190 PH IIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp E 29-Aug-17 20
IIBR-GC260 PH IIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp I-1 01-Sep-17 20
IIBR-RW320 PH IIB - Stabilization - Ramp D 01-Sep-17 9
IIBR-GC460 PH IIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp U 01-Sep-17 21
IICR-TC120 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp E 01-Sep-17 17
IBR-RW100 PH IB - Stabilization - Ramp B/C Gore 05-Sep-17 1
IIBR-GC210 PH IIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp I-1 06-Sep-17 20
IIBR-GC430 PH IIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp L 06-Sep-17 20
IBR-RW110 PH IB - Base - Ramp B/C Gore 07-Sep-17 1
IIBR-AP151 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp D 07-Sep-17 9
IIIBWBO-SP120 PH IIIB - Drainage (International - I4)- WB Outside Widening Area (SR528) 07-Sep-17 3
IIBR-GC360 PH IIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp H 07-Sep-17 20
IIBR-GC370 PH IIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp L 08-Sep-17 20
IIBR-GC470 PH IIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp D 08-Sep-17 9
IIBR-GC330 PH IIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp R-2 08-Sep-17 22
IIBR-GC320 PH IIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp H 11-Sep-17 20
IBR-AP110 PH IB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp B/C Gore 13-Sep-17 1
IBR-GC110 PH IB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp B/C Gore 15-Sep-17 1
IIBR-TC170 PH IIB - Temp Striping for New Ramp Alignment - Ramp B 15-Sep-17 4
IIBR-TC160 PH IIB - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - Ramp B 18-Sep-17 7
IIIBR-TC120 PH IIIB - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - Ramp G 19-Sep-17 25
IICR-TC1020 PH IIC - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp M 20-Sep-17 76
IIIBR-TC130 PH IIIB - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp G 20-Sep-17 25
IIBR-GC100 PH IIB - Demo - Ramp B 21-Sep-17 7
IICR-GC170 PH IIC - Demo - Ramp M 21-Sep-17 76
IIIAWBO-ST111 PH IIIA - Wall Bent 1 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 25-Sep-17 20
IIBR-CP10 PH IIB - Construct Ped Signalization at Ramp I 27-Sep-17 9
IIIAWBO-ST120 PH IIIA - End Bent 1 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 02-Oct-17 20
IIBR-SP100 PH IIB - Drainage - Ramp B 03-Oct-17 7
IIBR-EHM370 PH IIB - Existing High Mast Removal (28-33) 03-Oct-17 75
IICR-RW150 PH IIC - Stabilization - Ramp M 04-Oct-17 76
IICR-RW140 PH IIC - Base - Ramp M 06-Oct-17 76
IIBEBO-W140 PH IIB - MSE Wall RW5 (Level Pads\Begin Panels) - EB Outside Widening (SR528) 11-Oct-17 21
IIIAWBO-ST130 PH IIIA - Wall Bent 5 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 16-Oct-17 20
IIBR-EW100 PH IIB - Embankment - Ramp B 17-Oct-17 7
IICR-AP120 PH IIC - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp M 18-Oct-17 76
IIBEBO-RW120 PH IIB - Base (I4-Int. Drive) - EB Outside Widening 19-Oct-17 5
IIAR-TC120 PH IIB - Construction 12' Widening on I-4 (Ramp C to EB I-4) 19-Oct-17 57
IICR-GC180 PH IIC - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp M 20-Oct-17 76
IIIAWBO-ST140 PH IIIA - End Bent 5 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 23-Oct-17 20
IIIBWBO-SP140 PH IIIB - Gutter Drainage - STA 332 - 329 (WB Outside) 23-Oct-17 3
IIIAR110 PH IIIA - Construct Ramp T Diversion - Ramps T 24-Oct-17 21
IIIBR-IDS40 PH IIIB - Install Drilled Shafts (58-63) 24-Oct-17 76
IIIBR-TC220 PH IIIB - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - RampT 24-Oct-17 25
IIIBR-TC250 PH IIIB - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - Ramp P 24-Oct-17 1
IIIBWBO-W100 PH IIIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall Work - Demo Portion of Existing Walls - NE and NW Corners @ I-Drive 24-Oct-17 27
IIIBR-TC170 PH IIIB - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp J 25-Oct-17 14
IIIBR-TC230 PH IIIB - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp T 25-Oct-17 25
IIIBR-TC260 PH IIIB - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp P 25-Oct-17 1
IIAR-TC130 PH IIB - Construction 12' Widening on I-4 (Ramp B to WB I-4) 25-Oct-17 38
IIBR-RW100 PH IIB - Stabilization - Ramp B 26-Oct-17 7
IIIBR-GC250 PH IIIB - Demo - Ramp P 26-Oct-17 1
IIIBR-SP150 PH IIIB - Drainage - Ramp P 30-Oct-17 1
TF-CO-021 Install Bollards 30-Oct-17 102
IIIBR-GC210 PH IIIB - Demo - Ramp T 01-Nov-17 21
IIIBWBO-ST28 PH IIIB - Rip Rap Under Bridge - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 01-Nov-17 7
IIIBWBO-ST370 PH IIIB - Wall Bent 1 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 01-Nov-17 4
IIIBWBO-ST270 PH IIIB - Pier 2, 3, (F/R/P) ( Pile Cap) - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 01-Nov-17 6
IIIBR-RW100 PH IIIB - Stabilization - Ramp G 02-Nov-17 5
IIBR-RW110 PH IIB - Base - Ramp B 03-Nov-17 7
IIIAWBO-ST170 PH IIIA - Curing for End Bent 5 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 04-Nov-17 28
IIIBR-RW110 PH IIIB - Base - Ramp G 06-Nov-17 5
IIBR-RW160 PH IIB - Base - Ramp C 07-Nov-17 2
IIIAWBO-ST150 PH IIIA - Set Beams - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 13-Nov-17 20
IIBEBO-W150 PH IIB - MSE Wall RW5(Continue Panels\set coping) - EB Outside Widening (SR528) 13-Nov-17 21
IIIBR-EW150 PH IIIB - Embankment - Ramp P 14-Nov-17 1
IIIBWBO-ST400 PH IIIB - End Bent 1 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 14-Nov-17 4
IIIBWBO-W120 PH IIIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall (RW-4B) - NE Corner @ I-Drive 15-Nov-17 27
IIIBR-SM510 PH IIIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (I-4 to International) (15) 16-Nov-17 45
IVR-ET50 PH IV - Erect Trusses (9-17) 16-Nov-17 152
IIIBR-RES130 PH IIIB - Remove Existing Sign Structures (5-13) 16-Nov-17 160
IIIAWBO-ST160 PH IIIA - Superstructure Deck - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 17-Nov-17 20
IIIBR-AP100 PH IIIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp G 17-Nov-17 20
IIBEBO-ST340 PH IIB - Concrete Slope Pavement - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) 20-Nov-17 4
IIBEBO-AP110 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - EB Outside Widening (I-4 to I-Drive) 21-Nov-17 5
IIICR130 PH IIIC - Remove Diversion / Construct Ramp Shoulder/Gore - Ramp G 21-Nov-17 169
IIIBR-GC120 PH IIIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp G 21-Nov-17 20
IIIBR-RW200 PH IIIB - Stabilization - Ramp P 21-Nov-17 1
IIIBR-SP110 PH IIIB - Drainage - Ramp J 21-Nov-17 5
IIIBR-AP140 PH IIIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp T 21-Nov-17 21
IIIBR-GC110 PH IIIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp G 27-Nov-17 20
IIIBR-RW210 PH IIIB - Base - Ramp P 27-Nov-17 1
IIICR180 PH IIIC - Remove Diversion / Construct Ramp Shoulder/Gore - Ramp T 27-Nov-17 170
IIIBR-GC290 PH IIIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp T 27-Nov-17 21
IIBEBM-GC110 PH IIB - Rumble Strip (Widening) - EB Median Widening 29-Nov-17 48
IIBEBO-GC120 PH IIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - EB Outside Widening 29-Nov-17 48
IIIBWBO-ST320 PH IIIB - Curing for Pier 2, 3, (Pile Cap) - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 29-Nov-17 9
IIIBR-GC280 PH IIIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp T 29-Nov-17 21
IIIBR-GC230 PH IIIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp V 30-Nov-17 79
IIIBR-GC200 PH IIIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp V 04-Dec-17 79
IIIBWBO-ST360 PH IIIB - Remove Concrete Forms for Pier 2, 3,(Pile Cap) - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingl 05-Dec-17 7
IIBR-RW280 PH IIB - Shoulder Gutter - Ramp B 06-Dec-17 7
IIIBR140 PH IIIB - Construct Ramp Q Diversion/Temp Pavement - Ramp Q 07-Dec-17 48
IIIBR-AP150 PH IIIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp P 07-Dec-17 1
IIIBR-EW110 PH IIIB - Embankment - Ramp J 07-Dec-17 5
IIIBWBO-W110 PH IIIB - MSE Wall RW-1 - WB Outside Widening Area (SR528) 08-Dec-17 19
IIIBWBO-W130 PH IIIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall (RW-2) - NW Corner @ I-Drive 08-Dec-17 27
IIIBR-SM520 PH IIIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (I-4 to International) (9) 11-Dec-17 45
IIICR170 PH IIIC - Remove Diversion / Construct Ramp Shoulder/Gore - Ramp P 11-Dec-17 147
IIIBR-GC320 PH IIIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp P 11-Dec-17 1
IIBR-AP120 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp C 12-Dec-17 2
IIIBR-GC300 PH IIIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp P 13-Dec-17 1
IVR-ET60 PH IV - Erect Trusses (18-24) 14-Dec-17 152
IIDEBO-RW150 PH IID - Construct EB Outside Widening STA 346 to STA 369 14-Dec-17 65

The following 108 activities were scheduled to start during this period but have not been started as of December 17, 2017 data date.

Activities with a total float of less than 30 days require immediate attention because the window to begin them is closing. Highlighted in red are critical activities with negative total float that should have been started already, but have not. They are especially urgent and indicate delays that could directly impact the project’s completion date. These critical activities must be discussed with the contractor to understand the reasons for the delays and to develop a plan to mitigate the impact.

Recommended actions: Investigate the causes of delays for these activities and reassign resources. adjust task dependencies, or revise the scheduling logic to expedite their start. Update the project schedule to reflect these changes and communicate the revised timelines and potential impacts on project milestones to all stakeholders. Ensuring that everyone is aware of the new priorities and deadlines will help to align efforts and prevent further delays.

Activity ID Activity Description Planned Start Date Total Float
IICR-GC100 PH IIC - Demo - Ramp S-2 13-Sep-17 -7
IICR-RW100 PH IIC - Stabilization - Ramp S-2 21-Sep-17 -3
IICR-RW110 PH IIC - Base - Ramp S-2 25-Sep-17 -7
IICR-AP100 PH IIC - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp S-2 05-Oct-17 -7
IICR-GC120 PH IIC - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp S-2 09-Oct-17 -7
IICR-GC110 PH IIC - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp S-2 11-Oct-17 -7
IIBEBO-ST250 PH IIB - Set Beams - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International Drive) 16-Oct-17 -5
IIBEBO-ST270 PH IIB - Superstructure Deck - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International Drive) 19-Oct-17 -5
IIIBWBO-ST750 PH IIIB - Gravity Wall @ Shingle Creek - WB Outside Widening (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 01-Nov-17 -7
IIDEBO-ST180 PH IID - Demo Traffic Rails - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 02-Nov-17 -7
IIDEBO-ST300 PH IID - Demo Bridge Deck remove slabs - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 08-Nov-17 -7
IIBEBO-ST330 PH IIB - Approach Slabs - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) 20-Nov-17 -5
IIDEBO-ST320 PH IID - Demo Bridge Deck hand demo - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 27-Nov-17 -7
IIIBWBO-ST2 PH IIIB - Test Pile - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) 29-Nov-17 -3
IIBEBO-ST370 PH IIB - Lighting Conduit - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) 29-Nov-17 -5
IIBEBO-ST380 PH IIB - Traffic Railing (32") - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) 30-Nov-17 -5
IIBEBO-ST390 PH IIB - Grind and Groove - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) 05-Dec-17 -5
IIIBWBO-ST430 PH IIIB - Wall Bent 4 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 07-Dec-17 -7
IBR-GC100 PH IB - Clear & Grub/Demo - Ramp B/C Gore 21-Aug-17 1
IIBR-SP210 PH IIB - Drainage - Ramp D 21-Aug-17 9
IICR-TC180 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp H 21-Aug-17 18
IIBEBO-SP100 PH IIB - Drainage (I4-Int. Drive) - EB Outside Widening (SR528) 21-Aug-17 5
IIBEBO-SP160 PH IIB - Gutter Drainage - STA 407 - 412 (EB Outside) 21-Aug-17 17
IIBEBO-ST440 PH IIB - Concrete Slope Pavement - EB Outside Widening (Bridge 750629 Ramp S over JYP) 21-Aug-17 9
IIBR-EW210 PH IIB - Embankment - Ramp D 24-Aug-17 9
IIBR-IB10 PH IIB - Install Bores/Loops/Boxes at Ramp E 25-Aug-17 17
IIBR-GC220 PH IIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp E 25-Aug-17 20
IBR-EW100 PH IB - Embankment - Ramp B/C Gore 28-Aug-17 1
IIBR-RW310 PH IIB - Base - Ramp D 29-Aug-17 9
IIBR-GC190 PH IIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp E 29-Aug-17 20
IIBR-GC260 PH IIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp I-1 01-Sep-17 20
IIBR-RW320 PH IIB - Stabilization - Ramp D 01-Sep-17 9
IIBR-GC460 PH IIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp U 01-Sep-17 21
IICR-TC120 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp E 01-Sep-17 17
IBR-RW100 PH IB - Stabilization - Ramp B/C Gore 05-Sep-17 1
IIBR-GC210 PH IIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp I-1 06-Sep-17 20
IIBR-GC430 PH IIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp L 06-Sep-17 20
IBR-RW110 PH IB - Base - Ramp B/C Gore 07-Sep-17 1
IIBR-AP151 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp D 07-Sep-17 9
IIIBWBO-SP120 PH IIIB - Drainage (International - I4)- WB Outside Widening Area (SR528) 07-Sep-17 3
IIBR-GC360 PH IIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp H 07-Sep-17 20
IIBR-GC370 PH IIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp L 08-Sep-17 20
IIBR-GC470 PH IIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp D 08-Sep-17 9
IIBR-GC330 PH IIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp R-2 08-Sep-17 22
IIBR-GC320 PH IIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp H 11-Sep-17 20
IBR-AP110 PH IB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp B/C Gore 13-Sep-17 1
IBR-GC110 PH IB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp B/C Gore 15-Sep-17 1
IIBR-TC170 PH IIB - Temp Striping for New Ramp Alignment - Ramp B 15-Sep-17 4
IIBR-TC160 PH IIB - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - Ramp B 18-Sep-17 7
IIIBR-TC120 PH IIIB - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - Ramp G 19-Sep-17 25
IIIBR-TC130 PH IIIB - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp G 20-Sep-17 25
IIBR-GC100 PH IIB - Demo - Ramp B 21-Sep-17 7
IIIAWBO-ST111 PH IIIA - Wall Bent 1 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 25-Sep-17 20
IIBR-CP10 PH IIB - Construct Ped Signalization at Ramp I 27-Sep-17 9
IIIAWBO-ST120 PH IIIA - End Bent 1 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 02-Oct-17 20
IIBR-SP100 PH IIB - Drainage - Ramp B 03-Oct-17 7
IIBEBO-W140 PH IIB - MSE Wall RW5 (Level Pads\Begin Panels) - EB Outside Widening (SR528) 11-Oct-17 21
IIIAWBO-ST130 PH IIIA - Wall Bent 5 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 16-Oct-17 20
IIBR-EW100 PH IIB - Embankment - Ramp B 17-Oct-17 7
IIBEBO-RW120 PH IIB - Base (I4-Int. Drive) - EB Outside Widening 19-Oct-17 5
IIIAWBO-ST140 PH IIIA - End Bent 5 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 23-Oct-17 20
IIIBWBO-SP140 PH IIIB - Gutter Drainage - STA 332 - 329 (WB Outside) 23-Oct-17 3
IIIAR110 PH IIIA - Construct Ramp T Diversion - Ramps T 24-Oct-17 21
IIIBR-TC220 PH IIIB - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - RampT 24-Oct-17 25
IIIBR-TC250 PH IIIB - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - Ramp P 24-Oct-17 1
IIIBWBO-W100 PH IIIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall Work - Demo Portion of Existing Walls - NE and NW Corners @ I-Drive 24-Oct-17 27
IIIBR-TC170 PH IIIB - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp J 25-Oct-17 14
IIIBR-TC230 PH IIIB - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp T 25-Oct-17 25
IIIBR-TC260 PH IIIB - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp P 25-Oct-17 1
IIBR-RW100 PH IIB - Stabilization - Ramp B 26-Oct-17 7
IIIBR-GC250 PH IIIB - Demo - Ramp P 26-Oct-17 1
IIIBR-SP150 PH IIIB - Drainage - Ramp P 30-Oct-17 1
IIIBR-GC210 PH IIIB - Demo - Ramp T 01-Nov-17 21
IIIBWBO-ST28 PH IIIB - Rip Rap Under Bridge - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 01-Nov-17 7
IIIBWBO-ST370 PH IIIB - Wall Bent 1 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 01-Nov-17 4
IIIBWBO-ST270 PH IIIB - Pier 2, 3, (F/R/P) ( Pile Cap) - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 01-Nov-17 6
IIIBR-RW100 PH IIIB - Stabilization - Ramp G 02-Nov-17 5
IIBR-RW110 PH IIB - Base - Ramp B 03-Nov-17 7
IIIAWBO-ST170 PH IIIA - Curing for End Bent 5 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 04-Nov-17 28
IIIBR-RW110 PH IIIB - Base - Ramp G 06-Nov-17 5
IIBR-RW160 PH IIB - Base - Ramp C 07-Nov-17 2
IIIAWBO-ST150 PH IIIA - Set Beams - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 13-Nov-17 20
IIBEBO-W150 PH IIB - MSE Wall RW5(Continue Panels\set coping) - EB Outside Widening (SR528) 13-Nov-17 21
IIIBR-EW150 PH IIIB - Embankment - Ramp P 14-Nov-17 1
IIIBWBO-ST400 PH IIIB - End Bent 1 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 14-Nov-17 4
IIIBWBO-W120 PH IIIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall (RW-4B) - NE Corner @ I-Drive 15-Nov-17 27
IIIAWBO-ST160 PH IIIA - Superstructure Deck - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 17-Nov-17 20
IIIBR-AP100 PH IIIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp G 17-Nov-17 20
IIBEBO-ST340 PH IIB - Concrete Slope Pavement - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) 20-Nov-17 4
IIBEBO-AP110 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - EB Outside Widening (I-4 to I-Drive) 21-Nov-17 5
IIIBR-GC120 PH IIIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp G 21-Nov-17 20
IIIBR-RW200 PH IIIB - Stabilization - Ramp P 21-Nov-17 1
IIIBR-SP110 PH IIIB - Drainage - Ramp J 21-Nov-17 5
IIIBR-AP140 PH IIIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp T 21-Nov-17 21
IIIBR-GC110 PH IIIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp G 27-Nov-17 20
IIIBR-RW210 PH IIIB - Base - Ramp P 27-Nov-17 1
IIIBR-GC290 PH IIIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp T 27-Nov-17 21
IIIBWBO-ST320 PH IIIB - Curing for Pier 2, 3, (Pile Cap) - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 29-Nov-17 9
IIIBR-GC280 PH IIIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp T 29-Nov-17 21
IIIBWBO-ST360 PH IIIB - Remove Concrete Forms for Pier 2, 3,(Pile Cap) - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingl 05-Dec-17 7
IIBR-RW280 PH IIB - Shoulder Gutter - Ramp B 06-Dec-17 7
IIIBR-AP150 PH IIIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp P 07-Dec-17 1
IIIBR-EW110 PH IIIB - Embankment - Ramp J 07-Dec-17 5
IIIBWBO-W110 PH IIIB - MSE Wall RW-1 - WB Outside Widening Area (SR528) 08-Dec-17 19
IIIBWBO-W130 PH IIIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall (RW-2) - NW Corner @ I-Drive 08-Dec-17 27
IIIBR-GC320 PH IIIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp P 11-Dec-17 1
IIBR-AP120 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp C 12-Dec-17 2
IIIBR-GC300 PH IIIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp P 13-Dec-17 1

The following 239 activities were scheduled to be completed during this period but have not been completed as of the December 17, 2017 data date. Highlighted in red are activities with negative total float.

Recommended actions: Review the causes of delays for these activities and reassign resources or adjust task dependencies to expedite their completion. Consider updating the project schedule to reflect these changes and inform all stakeholders of the revised timelines and any potential impacts on project milestones.

Activity ID Activity Description Planned Finish Date Total Float
IIBEBO-W100 PH IIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall Work - Demo Portion of Existing Walls - SE and SW Corners @ I-Drive 30-Aug-17 -5
IICR-TC170 PH IIC - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - Ramp S-2 01-Sep-17 -7
IICR-TC160 PH IIC - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp S-2 05-Sep-17 -7
IICR-GC100 PH IIC - Demo - Ramp S-2 14-Sep-17 -7
IICR-SP100 PH IIC - Drainage - Ramp S-2 20-Sep-17 -3
IICR-EW100 PH IIC - Embankment - Ramp S-2 20-Sep-17 -3
IIBEBO-W110 PH IIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall (RW-4A) - SE Corner @ I-Drive 21-Sep-17 -5
IICR-RW100 PH IIC - Stabilization - Ramp S-2 22-Sep-17 -3
IICR-RW110 PH IIC - Base - Ramp S-2 04-Oct-17 -7
IIIBWBO-ST650 PH IIIB - Demo Bridge Deck - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 06-Oct-17 -7
IICR-AP100 PH IIC - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp S-2 06-Oct-17 -7
IIIBWBO-ST660 PH IIIB - Remove Beams - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 10-Oct-17 -7
IICR-GC120 PH IIC - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp S-2 10-Oct-17 -7
IICR-GC110 PH IIC - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp S-2 11-Oct-17 -7
IIBEBO-W120 PH IIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall (RW-3) - SW Corner @ I-Drive 12-Oct-17 -5
IIIBWBO-ST670 PH IIIB - Demo Pile Cap - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 13-Oct-17 -7
IIBEBO-ST720 PH IIB - Curing for End Bent 3 - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) 16-Oct-17 -8
IIIBWBO-ST680 PH IIIB - Extract Pile - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 18-Oct-17 -7
IIBEBO-ST250 PH IIB - Set Beams - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International Drive) 19-Oct-17 -5
IIIBWBO-ST26 PH IIIB - Production Pile (11-30)(Concrete) - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 01-Nov-17 -7
IIDEBO-ST180 PH IID - Demo Traffic Rails - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 08-Nov-17 -7
IIIBWBO-ST750 PH IIIB - Gravity Wall @ Shingle Creek - WB Outside Widening (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 08-Nov-17 -7
IIBEBO-ST270 PH IIB - Superstructure Deck - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International Drive) 20-Nov-17 -5
IIDEBO-ST300 PH IID - Demo Bridge Deck remove slabs - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 27-Nov-17 -7
IIBEBO-ST330 PH IIB - Approach Slabs - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) 28-Nov-17 -5
IIBEBO-ST370 PH IIB - Lighting Conduit - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) 29-Nov-17 -5
IIIBWBO-ST2 PH IIIB - Test Pile - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) 01-Dec-17 -3
IIBEBO-ST380 PH IIB - Traffic Railing (32") - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) 04-Dec-17 -5
IIIBWBO-ST4 PH IIIB - Production Pile - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over International DR) 07-Dec-17 -3
IIBEBO-ST390 PH IIB - Grind and Groove - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) 07-Dec-17 -5
IAWBO-EW100 PH IA - Pond EXCAVATION (Shape 4A & 5A) - WB Outside Widening Area 21-Aug-17 104
IIAR-GC100 PH IIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp O 21-Aug-17 103
IICR-TC180 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp H 21-Aug-17 18
IICR-TC1000 PH IIC - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - Ramp M 21-Aug-17 76
PRE-FA-015 Fabricate and Deliver 548 Retaining/MSE Wall Systems 22-Aug-17 41
PRE-FA-025 Fabricate and Deliver 635 Pull, Splice, & Junction Boxes 22-Aug-17 36
IBEBO-EW150 PH IB - Pond Excav/Embank Universal to Int. Dr. - EB Outside Widening 22-Aug-17 18
IBEBO-EW130 PH IB - Pond Excav/Embank JYP to Universal - WB Outside Widening 22-Aug-17 18
IBR-IHM300 PH IB - Install High Mast/Service (1-3) 22-Aug-17 45
IIBEBO-SP120 PH IIB - Drainage (Universal - JYP) - EB Outside Widening (SR528) 22-Aug-17 34
IIIBWBO-SP100 PH IIIB - Drainage (JYP-Universal) - WB Outside Widening Area (SR528) 23-Aug-17 3
IIBR-SP210 PH IIB - Drainage - Ramp D 23-Aug-17 9
IIIBWBO-TC120 PH IIIB - Temp Striping for Phase - WB Outside Widening Area 24-Aug-17 26
IIBR-IDS30 PH IIB - Install Drilled Shafts (36-57) 25-Aug-17 93
IIBR-AP110 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp E 25-Aug-17 20
IBEBO-EW140 PH IB - Pond Excav/Embank Universal to Int. Dr. - WB Outside Widening 25-Aug-17 18
IBR-GC100 PH IB - Clear & Grub/Demo - Ramp B/C Gore 25-Aug-17 1
PRE-FA-033 Fabricate and Deliver 101400 Signage 26-Aug-17 151
IBEBO-EW160 PH IB - Pond Excav/Embank Universal to JYP - EB Outside Widening 28-Aug-17 18
IIBR-EW210 PH IIB - Embankment - Ramp D 28-Aug-17 9
IBWBO-EW100 PH IB - Pond Excav/Embank JYP to TPK - WB Outside Widening 28-Aug-17 18
IIBEBO-SP160 PH IIB - Gutter Drainage - STA 407 - 412 (EB Outside) 28-Aug-17 17
IIBR-GC220 PH IIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp E 29-Aug-17 20
IIBR-ITS10 PH IIB - Install Conduit/Boxes (I-4 to International) 29-Aug-17 13
IIBR-GC190 PH IIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp E 30-Aug-17 20
IIBR-IHM310 PH IIB - Install High Mast/Service (4-6) 30-Aug-17 75
IIBEBO-EW100 PH IIB - Embankment (I4-Int. Drive) - EB Outside Widening 30-Aug-17 15
IIBEBO-SP140 PH IIB - Gutter Drainage - STA 280 - 299 (EB Outside) 31-Aug-17 16
IIBR-RW310 PH IIB - Base - Ramp D 31-Aug-17 9
IIIBR-EC20 PH IIIB - Erect Cantilevers (4-9) 31-Aug-17 200
IIBR-IB10 PH IIB - Install Bores/Loops/Boxes at Ramp E 01-Sep-17 17
PRE-FA-024 Fabricate and Deliver 633 Communication Cable 01-Sep-17 33
PRE-FA-032 Fabricate and Deliver 099100 Painting Product Data and Sample 01-Sep-17 151
PRE-FA-036 Fabricate and Deliver 232000 Piping and Specialties 01-Sep-17 151
PRE-FA-038 Fabricate and Deliver 238119 Packaged Air Conditioners 01-Sep-17 151
PRE-FA-039 Fabricate and Deliver 260536 Cable Trays 01-Sep-17 147
PRE-FA-040 Fabricate and Deliver 264113 Lighting Protection System Product Data and Shop Drawing 01-Sep-17 161
PRE-FA-041 Fabricate and Deliver 682 CCTV Camera 01-Sep-17 72
PRE-FA-046 Fabricate and Deliver 784 ITS Managed Ethernet Hub Switch 01-Sep-17 72
IIBEBO-AP130 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - EB Outside Widening (Univ to JYP) - STA 291 to 320 01-Sep-17 34
IBR-EW100 PH IB - Embankment - Ramp B/C Gore 01-Sep-17 1
IIBEBO-ST440 PH IIB - Concrete Slope Pavement - EB Outside Widening (Bridge 750629 Ramp S over JYP) 01-Sep-17 9
IIIBR-ITS1000 PH IIIB - Install Conduit/Boxes (I-4 to International) 01-Sep-17 15
IICR-TC120 PH IIC - MOT Shift New Ramp Alignment - Ramp E 05-Sep-17 17
PRE-FA-018 Fabricate and Deliver 650 Traffic Signals 05-Sep-17 100
PRE-FA-031 Fabricate and Deliver 081100 Metal Doors and Frames 05-Sep-17 150
PRE-FA-044 Fabricate and Deliver 783 ITS Fiber Optic Cable 05-Sep-17 69
IIBR-GC260 PH IIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp I-1 05-Sep-17 20
IIBR-ITS20 PH IIB - Install Conduit/Boxes ( International to Univ) 05-Sep-17 13
IIBR-GC460 PH IIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp U 06-Sep-17 21
IIBEBO-RW111 PH IIB - Stabilization (Int. Drive - Universal) - EB Outside Widening 06-Sep-17 16
IBR-RW100 PH IB - Stabilization - Ramp B/C Gore 06-Sep-17 1
IIBR-GC210 PH IIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp I-1 06-Sep-17 20
IIBR-RW320 PH IIB - Stabilization - Ramp D 06-Sep-17 9
IIBEBO-SP130 PH IIB - Gutter Drainage - STA 228 - 248 (EB Outside) 06-Sep-17 21
IIIBWBO-SP110 PH IIIB - Drainage (Universal - International) - WB Outside Widening Area (SR528) 07-Sep-17 3
IIBR-ITS30 PH IIB - Install Conduit/Boxes (Univ to JYP) 07-Sep-17 13
IIBR-AP140 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp H 07-Sep-17 20
IIBR-AP151 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp D 07-Sep-17 9
IIBR-GC430 PH IIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp L 07-Sep-17 20
IIBR-GC370 PH IIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp L 08-Sep-17 20
IIBR-GC470 PH IIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp D 08-Sep-17 9
IIBR-IHM320 PH IIB - Install High Mast/Service (7-9) 08-Sep-17 75
PRE-FA-026 Fabricate and Deliver 653 Pedestrian Signals 09-Sep-17 29
PRE-FA-028 Fabricate and Deliver 665 Pedestrian Detector 09-Sep-17 29
PRE-FA-049 Fabricate and Deliver 262913 ITS Standby Generator Product Data and Shop Drawing 09-Sep-17 73
IIBR-GC330 PH IIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp R-2 11-Sep-17 22
IIBR-GC360 PH IIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp H 11-Sep-17 20
IIBR-GC320 PH IIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp H 12-Sep-17 20
IIIBR-ITS1010 PH IIIB - Install Conduit/Boxes ( International to Univ) 12-Sep-17 16
IBR-RW110 PH IB - Base - Ramp B/C Gore 12-Sep-17 1
IIBR-SM380 PH IIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (I-4 to International) (14 EA) 12-Sep-17 45
IIBR-ITS40 PH IIB - Install Conduit/Boxes (JYP to TPK) 13-Sep-17 13
IIIBWBO-GC100 PH IIIB - MISC. Demo - WB Outside Widening Area 13-Sep-17 26
IIIBR-ITS1020 PH IIIB - Install Conduit/Boxes (Univ to JYP) 14-Sep-17 15
PRE-FA-023 Fabricate and Deliver 263213 Engine Generator 14-Sep-17 171
IIBEBO-RW130 PH IIB - Base (Int. Drive - Universal)- EB Outside Widening - LR 14-Sep-17 16
IBR-AP110 PH IB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp B/C Gore 14-Sep-17 1
IIBR-TC170 PH IIB - Temp Striping for New Ramp Alignment - Ramp B 15-Sep-17 4
PRE-FA-017 Fabricate and Deliver 646 Aluminum Pedestal Poles 16-Sep-17 31
PRE-FA-020 Fabricate and Deliver 992 Under deck Lighting 16-Sep-17 176
PRE-FA-045 Fabricate and Deliver 786 ITS Vehicle Detection System 16-Sep-17 98
IIICR100 PH IIIC - Construct Ramp F Diversion - Ramp F 18-Sep-17 37
IIBEBO-SP100 PH IIB - Drainage (I4-Int. Drive) - EB Outside Widening (SR528) 18-Sep-17 5
IIIBR-IHM330 PH IIIB - Install High Mast/Service (10-13) 18-Sep-17 80
IIIAWBO-ST580 PH IIIA - Concrete Slope Pavement - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge 750630 Ramp T over JYP) 18-Sep-17 86
IIBEBO-RW150 PH IIB - Base (Int. Drive - Universal)- EB Outside Widening - RCA 19-Sep-17 16
IICR120 PH IIC - Construct Ramp M Diversion - Ramp M 19-Sep-17 76
IIIBR-TC120 PH IIIB - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - Ramp G 19-Sep-17 25
IBR-GC110 PH IB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp B/C Gore 20-Sep-17 1
IIBR-TC160 PH IIB - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - Ramp B 20-Sep-17 7
IICR-TC1020 PH IIC - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp M 20-Sep-17 76
IIIBR-TC130 PH IIIB - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp G 20-Sep-17 25
IIIBR-ITS80 PH IIIB - Install Conduit/Boxes (JYP to TPK) 22-Sep-17 13
IIBEBO-AP120 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - EB Outside Widening (I-Drive to Univ) 22-Sep-17 15
IIBR-SM390 PH IIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (International to Univ.) (20 EA) (A) 22-Sep-17 45
IICR-GC170 PH IIC - Demo - Ramp M 22-Sep-17 76
TF-CO-014 Pull Wire & Install Light Fixtures 26-Sep-17 118
IICR-EW120 PH IIC - Embankment - Ramp M 29-Sep-17 76
IIIAWBO-ST111 PH IIIA - Wall Bent 1 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 29-Sep-17 20
PRE-FA-021 Fabricate and Deliver 05500 Metal Fabrications 30-Sep-17 158
IIBR-GC100 PH IIB - Demo - Ramp B 02-Oct-17 7
IIBR-EHM360 PH IIB - Existing High Mast Removal (19-27) 03-Oct-17 75
IICR-SP120 PH IIC - Drainage - Ramp M 04-Oct-17 76
IIBR-SM400 PH IIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (International to Univ.) (20 EA) (B) 04-Oct-17 45
IIIBWBO-SP120 PH IIIB - Drainage (International - I4)- WB Outside Widening Area (SR528) 05-Oct-17 3
TF-CO-018 Install Lighting 05-Oct-17 117
TF-CO-019 Install Security System 05-Oct-17 102
IICR-RW150 PH IIC - Stabilization - Ramp M 06-Oct-17 76
PRE-FA-034 Fabricate and Deliver 231113 Fuel Oil Piping 07-Oct-17 172
IIBR-CP10 PH IIB - Construct Ped Signalization at Ramp I 11-Oct-17 9
IIBR-SP150 PH IIB - Drainage - Ramp C 13-Oct-17 2
IIIAWBO-ST120 PH IIIA - End Bent 1 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 13-Oct-17 20
IIBR-SM410 PH IIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (International to Univ.) (20 EA) (C) 16-Oct-17 45
IIBR-SP100 PH IIB - Drainage - Ramp B 16-Oct-17 7
PRE-FA-035 Fabricate and Deliver 231323 Aboveground Diesel Storage Tank and Piping 17-Oct-17 171
IICR-RW140 PH IIC - Base - Ramp M 18-Oct-17 76
IIBEBO-RW110 PH IIB - Stabilization (I4-Int. Drive) - EB Outside Widening 18-Oct-17 5
IIBR-EHM370 PH IIB - Existing High Mast Removal (28-33) 19-Oct-17 75
TF-CO-020 Install Lightning Protection 19-Oct-17 102
IIBR-EW140 PH IIB - Embankment - Ramp C 19-Oct-17 2
IICR-AP120 PH IIC - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp M 20-Oct-17 76
IIIAWBO-ST130 PH IIIA - Wall Bent 5 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 20-Oct-17 20
IIIBWBO-EW110 PH IIIB - Embankment (JYP-Universal) - WB Outside Widening Area 23-Oct-17 3
IICR-GC180 PH IIC - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp M 24-Oct-17 76
IIIBWBO-SP130 PH IIIB - Gutter Drainage - STA 352 - 342 (WB Outside) 24-Oct-17 8
IIIBWBO-EW120 PH IIIB - Embankment (Universal - International) - WB Outside Widening Area 25-Oct-17 12
IIIBR-TC220 PH IIIB - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - RampT 25-Oct-17 25
IIIBR-TC250 PH IIIB - Set Temp Traffic Barriers (Shoulder) - Ramp P 25-Oct-17 1
IIBR-EW100 PH IIB - Embankment - Ramp B 25-Oct-17 7
IIIBWBO-EW140 PH IIIB - Pond Excav/Embank JYP to Universal - WB Outside Widening 25-Oct-17 81
IIIBR-GC100 PH IIIB - Demo - Ramp G 26-Oct-17 5
IIIBR-TC170 PH IIIB - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp J 26-Oct-17 14
IIIBR-TC230 PH IIIB - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp T 26-Oct-17 25
IIIBR-TC260 PH IIIB - Temp Striping New Ramp Alignment - Ramp P 26-Oct-17 1
IIIBWBO-SP150 PH IIIB - Gutter Drainage - STA 301 - 280 (WB Outside) 27-Oct-17 12
IIIBWBO-SP140 PH IIIB - Gutter Drainage - STA 332 - 329 (WB Outside) 30-Oct-17 3
IIIBR-GC250 PH IIIB - Demo - Ramp P 30-Oct-17 1
PRE-FA-027 Fabricate and Deliver 663 Signal Priority and Preemption Systems 01-Nov-17 37
IIIAR110 PH IIIA - Construct Ramp T Diversion - Ramps T 01-Nov-17 21
IIIBR-IDS40 PH IIIB - Install Drilled Shafts (58-63) 01-Nov-17 76
IIBR-RW100 PH IIB - Stabilization - Ramp B 02-Nov-17 7
IIIBR-GC210 PH IIIB - Demo - Ramp T 03-Nov-17 21
PRE-FA-019 Fabricate and Deliver 700 Highway Signing (Single, Multi, Panel, and Overhead) 03-Nov-17 221
IIBR-SM420 PH IIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (International to Univ.) (14 EA) 03-Nov-17 45
IIIAWBO-ST140 PH IIIA - End Bent 5 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 03-Nov-17 20
IIIBR-RW100 PH IIIB - Stabilization - Ramp G 06-Nov-17 5
TF-CO-021 Install Bollards 06-Nov-17 102
IIIBR-EW140 PH IIIB - Embankment - Ramp T 06-Nov-17 21
IIBR-RW140 PH IIB - Stabilization - Ramp C 06-Nov-17 2
IIBR-ITS60 PH IIB - Install ITS Poles (21-41) 07-Nov-17 13
IIBEBO-W140 PH IIB - MSE Wall RW5 (Level Pads\Begin Panels) - EB Outside Widening (SR528) 09-Nov-17 21
IIIAWBO-ST170 PH IIIA - Curing for End Bent 5 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 10-Nov-17 28
IIIBR-SP150 PH IIIB - Drainage - Ramp P 14-Nov-17 1
IIIBWBO-ST370 PH IIIB - Wall Bent 1 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 14-Nov-17 4
IIIBWBO-W100 PH IIIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall Work - Demo Portion of Existing Walls - NE and NW Corners @ I-Drive 15-Nov-17 27
IIBR-SM430 PH IIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (International to Univ.) (7 EA) 15-Nov-17 45
IIIBR-ET40 PH IIIB - Erect Trusses (1-8) 16-Nov-17 152
IIIAWBO-ST150 PH IIIA - Set Beams - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over John Young PKWY) 17-Nov-17 20
IIIBR-RW110 PH IIIB - Base - Ramp G 17-Nov-17 5
IIAR-TC120 PH IIB - Construction 12' Widening on I-4 (Ramp C to EB I-4) 20-Nov-17 57
IIBEBO-RW120 PH IIB - Base (I4-Int. Drive) - EB Outside Widening 20-Nov-17 5
IIIBR-AP100 PH IIIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp G 21-Nov-17 20
IIIBR-EW150 PH IIIB - Embankment - Ramp P 21-Nov-17 1
IIIBWBO-EW130 PH IIIB - Embankment (International - I4) - WB Outside Widening Area 27-Nov-17 4
IIIBR-GC120 PH IIIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp G 27-Nov-17 20
IIIBR-RW200 PH IIIB - Stabilization - Ramp P 27-Nov-17 1
IIBR-SM450 PH IIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (Univ. to JYP) (19 EA) 27-Nov-17 64
IIIBR-AP140 PH IIIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp T 27-Nov-17 21
IIBEBO-ST340 PH IIB - Concrete Slope Pavement - EB Outside Widening (Bridge over International DR) 27-Nov-17 4
IIIBR-GC110 PH IIIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp G 28-Nov-17 20
IIBEBO-AP110 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - EB Outside Widening (I-4 to I-Drive) 28-Nov-17 5
IIAR-TC130 PH IIB - Construction 12' Widening on I-4 (Ramp B to WB I-4) 29-Nov-17 38
IIIBWBO-ST270 PH IIIB - Pier 2, 3, (F/R/P) ( Pile Cap) - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 29-Nov-17 6
IIIBR-GC290 PH IIIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp T 29-Nov-17 21
IIIBWBO-RW110 PH IIIB - Stabilization (Universal - International) - WB Outside Widening Area 29-Nov-17 12
IIIBWBO-RW100 PH IIIB - Stabilization (JYP-Universal) - WB Outside Widening Area 30-Nov-17 3
IIIBR-GC280 PH IIIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp T 30-Nov-17 21
IIBEBO-GC120 PH IIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - EB Outside Widening 30-Nov-17 48
IIIBWBO-SP160 PH IIIB - Gutter Drainage - STA 248 - 236 (WB Outside) 01-Dec-17 4
IIBEBM-GC110 PH IIB - Rumble Strip (Widening) - EB Median Widening 01-Dec-17 48
IIIBR-GC230 PH IIIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp V 04-Dec-17 79
IIIBWBO-ST28 PH IIIB - Rip Rap Under Bridge - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 04-Dec-17 7
IIBR-SM460 PH IIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (Univ. to JYP) (18 EA) (B) 04-Dec-17 64
IIBEBO-GC110 PH IIB - Performance Turf, SOD - EB Outside Widening 05-Dec-17 48
IIIBR-GC200 PH IIIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp V 05-Dec-17 79
IIIBWBO-ST320 PH IIIB - Curing for Pier 2, 3, (Pile Cap) - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 05-Dec-17 9
IIBR-RW110 PH IIB - Base - Ramp B 05-Dec-17 7
IIIBWBO-ST360 PH IIIB - Remove Concrete Forms for Pier 2, 3,(Pile Cap) - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingl 06-Dec-17 7
IIIBR-RW210 PH IIIB - Base - Ramp P 07-Dec-17 1
IIIBR-SP110 PH IIIB - Drainage - Ramp J 07-Dec-17 5
IIIBWBO-ST400 PH IIIB - End Bent 1 - WB Outside Widening Area (Bridge over Shingle Creek) 07-Dec-17 4
IIIBR-ITS90 PH IIIB - Install ITS Cabinets/Hardware 08-Dec-17 13
IIIBWBO-W120 PH IIIB - Concrete FACED SHEET Pile Wall (RW-4B) - NE Corner @ I-Drive 08-Dec-17 27
IIIBR-SM510 PH IIIB - Shoulder Mount Light Pole/Service (I-4 to International) (15) 08-Dec-17 45
IIICR130 PH IIIC - Remove Diversion / Construct Ramp Shoulder/Gore - Ramp G 11-Dec-17 169
IIIBR-AP150 PH IIIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp P 11-Dec-17 1
IIBR-RW160 PH IIB - Base - Ramp C 11-Dec-17 2
TF-CO-029 Install Conduit/Raceways 12-Dec-17 140
IIIBR-GC320 PH IIIB - Guardrail (Roadway) - Ramp P 13-Dec-17 1
IIICR180 PH IIIC - Remove Diversion / Construct Ramp Shoulder/Gore - Ramp T 13-Dec-17 170
IIIBWBO-RW150 PH IIIB - Base (Universal - International) - WB Outside Widening Area 13-Dec-17 12
IIIBWBO-RW140 PH IIIB - Base (JYP - Universal) - WB Outside Widening Area 14-Dec-17 3
IVR-ET50 PH IV - Erect Trusses (9-17) 14-Dec-17 152
IIIBR-EW110 PH IIIB - Embankment - Ramp J 14-Dec-17 5
IIIBR-GC300 PH IIIB - Performance Turf, SOD - Ramp P 14-Dec-17 1
IIIBR-RES130 PH IIIB - Remove Existing Sign Structures (5-13) 14-Dec-17 160
IIBEBO-W150 PH IIB - MSE Wall RW5(Continue Panels\set coping) - EB Outside Widening (SR528) 14-Dec-17 21
IIBR-AP120 PH IIB - Asphalt - Structural - Ramp C 15-Dec-17 2

Project Costs

The figures in this report should not be relied upon, excercise caution and double-check the values. This is merely a preview of a work-in-progress feature.
This table represents monthly costs in E8P02 Update No. 26

Month Actual Actual Cumul Remaining Early Remaining Early Cumul Remaining Late Remaining Late Cumul
Aug-2015 $5,537,599.61 $5,537,599.61 0 0 0 0
Sep-2015 $2,445,488.49 $7,983,088.10 0 0 0 0
Oct-2015 $3,170,349.27 $11,153,437.37 0 0 0 0
Nov-2015 $1,371,127.75 $12,524,565.11 0 0 0 0
Dec-2015 $1,087,883.38 $13,612,448.49 0 0 0 0
Jan-2016 $661,661.67 $14,274,110.16 0 0 0 0
Feb-2016 $994,024.29 $15,268,134.45 0 0 0 0
Mar-2016 $656,304.65 $15,924,439.10 0 0 0 0
Apr-2016 $683,573.07 $16,608,012.17 0 0 0 0
May-2016 $1,845,196.40 $18,453,208.57 0 0 0 0
Jun-2016 $2,089,143.55 $20,542,352.12 0 0 0 0
Jul-2016 $2,707,161.20 $23,249,513.32 0 0 0 0
Aug-2016 $1,604,210.47 $24,853,723.80 0 0 0 0
Sep-2016 $1,418,655.29 $26,272,379.09 0 0 0 0
Oct-2016 $1,230,235.83 $27,502,614.91 0 0 0 0
Nov-2016 $1,123,900.36 $28,626,515.27 0 0 0 0
Dec-2016 $3,627,366.94 $32,253,882.21 0 0 0 0
Jan-2017 $2,480,969.98 $34,734,852.19 0 0 0 0
Feb-2017 $2,332,923.25 $37,067,775.44 0 0 0 0
Mar-2017 $2,978,890.98 $40,046,666.42 0 0 0 0
Apr-2017 $1,936,530.19 $41,983,196.60 0 0 0 0
May-2017 $1,607,465.28 $43,590,661.88 0 0 0 0
Jun-2017 $1,985,417.38 $45,576,079.26 0 0 0 0
Jul-2017 $1,787,647.78 $47,363,727.04 0 0 0 0
Aug-2017 $2,462,587.92 $49,826,314.96 0 0 0 0
Sep-2017 $2,068,353.33 $51,894,668.29 0 0 0 0
Oct-2017 $3,032,097.24 $54,926,765.52 0 0 0 0
Nov-2017 $3,402,416.89 $58,329,182.42 0 0 0 0
Dec-2017 $2,713,587.87 $61,042,770.29 $3,023,875.11 $3,023,875.11 $830,318.60 $830,318.60
Jan-2018 0 0 $5,872,435.29 $8,896,310.40 $4,736,243.15 $5,566,561.75
Feb-2018 0 0 $5,051,458.29 $13,947,768.69 $2,669,959.16 $8,236,520.91
Mar-2018 0 0 $5,610,096.66 $19,557,865.36 $4,576,817.56 $12,813,338.47
Apr-2018 0 0 $2,937,368.89 $22,495,234.24 $3,463,474.81 $16,276,813.28
May-2018 0 0 $2,334,197.84 $24,829,432.08 $5,537,159.40 $21,813,972.68
Jun-2018 0 0 $2,287,345.18 $27,116,777.27 $688,573.84 $22,502,546.52
Jul-2018 0 0 $1,427,934.51 $28,544,711.77 $1,178,294.70 $23,680,841.22
Aug-2018 0 0 $792,527.35 $29,337,239.13 $1,510,668.72 $25,191,509.95
Sep-2018 0 0 $260,679.78 $29,597,918.91 $2,340,346.21 $27,531,856.16
Oct-2018 0 0 $1,769,133.13 $31,367,052.04 $3,776,537.39 $31,308,393.56
Nov-2018 0 0 $422,828.63 $31,789,880.67 $481,487.11 $31,789,880.67


The figures in this report should not be relied upon, excercise caution and double-check the values. This is merely a preview of a work-in-progress feature.
This chart represents monthly costs in E8P02 Update No. 26